Tuesday, May 29, 2012

It's Summer! Keep Reading.

So, I'm only a month or so late writing about this, but since school just ended or is just ending for many students, I don't feel too bad. 

I remember when I was a kid being so thrilled for summer and days that weren't dictated by a teacher or a schedule or things I HAD to do.  Instead, it was months of free time lolling about in the sun doing whatever I wanted.  Which was often, reading.

But there are many kids who also equate summer with no need to read.  What is a parent to do?  Generally your local library will have a kid's summer reading program.  Or you could sign them up for the Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge.  This free online program "motivates kids with weekly challenges, fun sweepstakes, virtual rewards, book chats and friendly competition. Starting today, kids can log their reading minutes, track their reading stats, and their school’s rank, collect virtual rewards in their ‘prize center’ and enter sweepstakes for the chance to win free books."  For more information, check out the Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge website.  The program started on May 1st and will run to August 31st.

So, if you're wondering how to keep your kids reading, check out your local library and this awesome online reading challenge.  Summer can mean the end of school, but it doesn't have to be the end of reading.

Did you keep reading over the summer or was it a true break from anything book-ish?

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  1. Summer reading when I was a kid was THE BEST! :) I wish now I could truly forget about life in the summer and read like crazy, but somehow, my life is just as crazy in the summer as it is otherwise. Lately I read less than I normally do, even. It's frustrating.

    1. I know, being grown up makes summer just more of the same, only hotter and with your kids home :) Love the memories of summer reading, though.

  2. Yep, summer reading is the best. Even now. I love lying in the sun and reading a great book.

    1. Yeah, not sure how I'll survive spending my summer indoors because of the heat :)


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