Thursday, May 17, 2012

Guest Post: Author Cat Patrick's Top Five Books

Today's guest post is from Cat PatrickAbout Cat: Cat Patrick is an author of books for young adults including Forgotten (June 2011), about a girl who remembers the future instead of the past; Revived (May 2012), about a girl in a top secret government trial to test a drug that brings people back from the dead and The Originals (May 2013), about three clones living as one person in order to hide their past. Cat lives outside of Seattle with her husband and twin daughters, and is both obsessed with and afraid of zombies and America’s Next Top Model.

Check out my review of Revived.
Cat Patrick’s Top Five Books
Whenever I’m asked to list my five, ten or even twenty favorite books, I panic. I stare up at the wall of books behind my computer, certain I’m going to forget The One. The one that kept me up at night and left me thinking about it long after I’d turned the last page. The one that’s not actually on my bookshelf right now because I loaned it out for the umpteenth time…and by the way, I really need to get that back.

You know who you are.


Since the process of selecting only five books is so ridiculously daunting to me, I’ve helped myself by allowing only a top pick from each reading phase of my life. So, without further ado:

Preschool Me Recommends…Anything by Richard Scarry, but specifically What Do People Do All Day? I remember this book feeling huge in both size and content. I was fascinated by Busytown and all of the zany characters who lived there.

Middle Grade Me Recommends…The Choose Your Own Adventure series. For the first time, I didn’t have to go on the journey the author chose for me—I could choose the path myself! I certainly wouldn’t want all books to be like this, but at that point in my life, it was incredibly exciting and empowering to control the outcome of the story.

High School Me Recommends…Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451. I have to admit: I love me some dystopia. The Hunger Games, Divergent, The Maze Runner…yes, please! I think that love traces back to Fahrenheit 451. In high school, I didn’t read a lot more than what was required. But this was one requirement that I devoured.

Twentysomething Me Recommends…The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. Thinking of it gives me chills: It’s so lyrical and lovely despite being about the abduction and murder of a young girl. I think Sebold’s choice to tell the story from the perspective of the victim was genius. It’s a book I’ll never forget.

Today Me Recommends…(I know it’s cheating, but it’s a tie between) World War Z by Max Brooks and The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater. I read both on vacation recently and love them for very different reasons. Both are gripping for sure, but while World War Z terrifies and traumatizes you with its oral history of the zombie war—which you’ll swear really happened after reading the book—The Scorpio Races wraps you in a wool cardigan and transports you to a chilly, eerie island where people race killer horses that walk out of the sea. And then it makes you fall in love.

What books are you in love with? Post here or feel free to visit me at

Thanks for stopping by, Cat!
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  1. I like how she did different age recommendations! I seriously need to read The Scorpio Races!

    1. Scorpio Races is a very different kind of book - I think you'll like it, actually :)

  2. I like the different ages too. I remember those Choose Your Own Adventures ... not fine literature, but tons of fun at a certain age :).

    1. I'm still a fan of things that aren't considered good literature. But especially those nostalgic books like Babysitter's Club and Nancy Drew. I never did get any Choose Your Own Adventure books as a kid, though.


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