Thursday, May 31, 2012

A Dune Read-Along - Who's With Me?

So, in the category of Epic Sci-Fi, I think this series wins an award.  I've been hearing good stuff about Dune by Frank Herbert for a long, long time.  And yet, despite my occasional lust for the big and epic stuff, I've never picked it up.  I've looked for it at library book sales and used book stores sporadically and never found a copy (possibly a testament to owners' love).  But I'm determined this summer will end my Dune-fast and I'll finally start feasting on the series. 

AND, I think it will be funner to read it with some company.  So, I'm hoping to make it a read-along.  I've never done one, but I think this is a great opportunity to start.  (That's kind of a hint to drop me some tips, assuming anyone wants to join in.)  Let me know if you're up for a read or reread (or rerereread).  I'm thinking July will be a fabulous month for it, since I'll probably need a whole month to get that first book finished.  Any takers?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. I LOVE Dune. It's one of my favorite books. What were you thinking for a read-along? A few chapters a week? Depending on the reading schedule, I'll join in. I just have other books I need to read this month, so I need to put those first. But, I LOVE Dune (yes, I know I already said that) and I can't resist reading it again.

    1. Jenni - yeah! I'd love to have old fans to read along with. I really had no schedule set yet, but I think the entire month of July will be necessary for me to finish it. Not sure how many chapters that equates to a week. And I'm so excited after reading your excitement!

  2. I love Dune with the fiery heat of the Arrakis desert itself, but... well, let's say that my household actually has bail guidelines for fiction based on where the series went next.

    1. Ooh, sounds intriguing! I love having a book or series I can be a fanatic about. I'll have to keep going with the series, assuming I enjoy the first book (which, to be honest, I'm quite prepared to do).

  3. I just started Dune so I'd be interested. Never participated in a read along before.

    1. I haven't done one before either! We probably won't start until July, though, so not sure if you want to hold off on reading for a month :)

  4. It's tempting, but there are other ones I want to re-read more than this one! So... sadly I'll pass this time. :(

    1. No worries! Hopefully you can still have some input on those of us reading along.

  5. Yeah, I'm going to have to pass too. Sorry. :( I have some books tours I'm participating in this month and they're taking up (what feels like) all my reading time. Sounds fun, though. Enjoy!

    1. Well, if you change your mind by July, feel free to jump in. You know, if life gets less busy :)

  6. Hmmm. I can't decide if I will or won't. I've only read Dune once, and I'd probably like a reread, but I'm unsure of what life will be like in July.

    I've never read the whole series -- it seems like the later books got a little ... fanatical, but I remember really enjoying the first few!

    1. You can always decide later, depending on what July looks like for you :) I'm really only interested in getting this first one read and deciding from there if I want to continue.

  7. I definitely won't be doing a reread of this series, but I would enjoy participating in the discussion :)

    It's not that I didn't like the books (at least those I read. I gave up toward the end of the fifth book). This is one of those series where I love the idea, but I'm a lot less in love with the execution. But I say the same thing about The Lord of the Rings (I know, get your rotting garbage ready to throw at me).

    1. Gasp! I can see why the execution is off-putting in LOTR, so no garbage flinging here. I'd love to have you join in the discussions, though!

  8. I'm in! I've never read Dune, but it's on my list! So YAY for a readalong! (And, as you know via Twitter, I have a copy in my possession!)


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