Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Book Review: Seeds of Rebellion by Brandon Mull

Posted as part of Tween Tuesday, hosted by GreenBeanTeenQueen.
Seeds of Rebellion by Brandon Mull
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Children's (Aladdin)
Publication date: March 2012
Pages: 512
Source: Library
For: Fun
Series: Beyonders, Book 2

Jason is desperate to find a way back to Lyrian, since he left Rachel behind and he needs to share an important secret.  But his parents are so overjoyed at his return he finds it hard to escape.  When he does eventually return, things are not as he left them, with tensions running high and both Jason and Rachel in great danger.  Will Jason, Rachel, and their friends be able to rouse a rebellion to fight against Maldor or will they all lose their lives?

Things I Liked:
I do not know what is going on inside Brandon Mull's head, but he has more imagination than any writer I've read, hands down.  The weird and crazy and magical beings that inhabit these books are just unbelievable in number and variety.  The story also manages to keep me interested and wondering what will happen next to our displaced hero and heroine.  It's an imaginative series filled with the strange and unusual.  There's never a dull moment, that's for sure.

Things I Didn't Like:
I think I was put off a little by the non-stop descriptions.  It seemed that everything and everyone had at least two descriptive adjectives.  It got to be a bit much, bogging down the story and action.  Also, Mull uses a lot more obscure or difficult words, making it less accessible than his Fablehaven series, but perhaps will help kids learn more vocabulary.  Still, for those not afraid of some bigger words, the story is satisfying and worth the effort.

Start with Beyonders: A World Without Heroes by Brandon Mull
Reminds me of Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis

s-factor: none 

mrg-factor: none 

v-factor: -> 
some sword fighting, not graphic though

Overall rating: ****

How does this one compare to Fablehaven for you?
If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. The Brandon Mull part got me excited, and then I saw it was book two of a series I'd never even heard of? I really need to do some more reading.

    1. It's a pretty new series, so no worries you haven't heard of it. I don't think it's quite as popular as Fablehaven either.

  2. I still haven't read the first one. I need to. I've noticed there seems to be a ton on adjectives in MG books. Maybe editors aren't as picky with MG books. Maybe it's easier for kids to get. It makes it hard for us adults, though.

    1. Hm, I haven't noticed it in general! I'll have to pay more attention to what I read :)


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