Thursday, May 24, 2012

Book Review: Die For Me by Amy Plum

Die for Me by Amy Plum
Publisher: HarperTeen
Publication date: May 2011
Pages: 352
Source: Review copy from publisher
For: Review
Series: Revenants, Book 1

Following her parents' death in a car crash, Kate and her sister move to Paris to live with their grandparents. While Kate struggles to recover from the loss, she meets a boy who might just help her start to live again. But the mysterious Vincent has a deeper history and more secrets than she imagined - secrets that might put her in danger.

Things I Liked:
While at first glance, this book appears to be a Twilight knock-off, substituting vampires with revenants, I was still intrigued by its unique elements.  I liked our fair heroine, who has spunk and vitality and doesn't go easily into her world of monsters and death without some kicking and screaming.  I really enjoyed the Parisian setting, which also added some fun elements to a very familiar plot.  And the added bonus of her sister and grandparents was also refreshing.  A pretty good paranormal, over all.

Things I Didn't Like:
The romance didn't do anything for me, though to be fair I think paranormal romance is not my cup of cocoa.  Despite Plum's best efforts to avoid insta-love of the eternal variety and the vampire culture (repeated jokes about NOT being vampires abound), I think the romance was a little too much too soon.  I liked that Kate fought it, but I don't like that it was just so inevitable.  I was also very unsurprised by any of the plot twists.  It doesn't end on a cliffhanger, which is very nice for a change, but I currently have no strong urges to pick up the next one. 

Twilight fans will likely enjoy it
Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini
Unearthly by Cynthia Hand

s-factor: !@ 
a few, no f-bombs

mrg-factor: X
some heavy kissing

v-factor: ->->
a few vivid scenes, but not really graphic

Overall rating: ***

Will we forever be doomed to compare all paranormal romance books to Twilight?  Do you think there will ever be a book in that genre as big?
If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Crap! I own this one. :( I hope the romance isn't too irritating. Though, I guess paranormal romance implies some romance...and usually really annoying romance.

    1. Ooh, I am looking forward to what you think of it. I was definitely not a fan of the romance, but it was somewhat better than some.


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