Monday, April 2, 2012

Bloggiesta...A Bit Like Foggiesta

Thanks to everyone for your encouragement this weekend, even though my participation in Bloggiesta was...spotty to say the least.  It felt like I was moving in a fog, hence the weird title :)  I am very hopeful that next time I'll have lots more time to improve and participate. 

First, HUGE thanks to our two fabulous first-time hosts: Suey at It's All About Books and Danielle at There's a Book.  You guys did great and things ran very smoothly, like you've done this for years!

-I was able to accomplish one complete task: updating my Reviews by Title and Reviews by Author pages. 
-I also started on getting internal links for those pages - you can see them on the Reviews by Title page - those links at the top that take you to the corresponding letter, so you don't have to scroll through the entire list. 
-In addition, I posted a short (and possibly confusing) tip on aligning your images in rows.
-Oh, and I'm working on getting some social media icons.  I'm kind of making my own, which might be a disaster. 
-And I also managed to move all our stuff from our apartment to our new house, clean said apartment, and start the daunting task of settling into the house.  You know, in my spare time.  :)

I am planning to spend the next weeks (months?) looking over those mini-challenges and learning new stuff, since I really didn't do any of them.  Maybe next time I'll do a little mini-challenge like my photos in a row one. 

What did you get done for Bloggiesta?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Do not feel bad. I did not finish anything! Smh....

  2. I'm glad you were able to finish at least one thing. Did you get your moving done too? I know there's still unpacking, but did you get everything moved over to the new place at least?

    I'm glad you figured out your problem too! I was so worried for you. I hate when I break something!

    1. Yes, we did get everything to our new house finally. Thanks so much for your help and encouragement! I hate when I accidently delete stuff :)

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  4. I'm impressed you got anything on the computer done what with moving and all. I liked your mini challenge on how to align images best of all!

    1. I'm kind of impressed too, though not much :) I'm glad the image tip was helpful for you.

  5. Sounds like you did a ton to me! Way to go. So.. where did you move to? Same city, right? We are coming that way next week!

    1. Yes, same city. Where are you headed to next week?

  6. BTW, I used your align images for my post tomorrow! Thanks for teaching us. I'm so excited!

  7. I think you did great, only the review pages must have been a lot of work! Thanks for the tip to align images :P

    1. They weren't too bad, since I was only about a month behind on updating, not starting from scratch. Hope the tip helps!


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