Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Covers of 2012

I'm finally back participating in Top Ten Tuesday hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is favorite covers.  I simply couldn't do an all-time favorite top ten, so I narrowed it down to 2012 books.  Here they are, in no particular order:

I discovered I'm a sucker for blues and reds and swirling colors. Also, covers with stars tend to get an automatic spot on my favorites list.

What do you love in a cover? What are your favorites for the year?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. When we do Bloggiesta, I need you to tell me how you make your pictures on your blog all line up and march in a two by two row! Is there a trick?

    Love the covers too btw! :)

    1. Not really a trick, but I can sure tell you how I do it. It might be easier for me, since the format of the photos I'm using in this post are from Amazon's affiliate linking page. When you add photos via blogger you have to remove some of the formatting for it to work like this. It might be better explained in an email, though.

  2. Oh so many pretty covers!! Cinder is on my list too, I love that cover so much


    1. Cinder seems to be a big favorite! I love it and I don't even like high heels :)

  3. I do love that Cinder cover! Looks like you are drawn to flowy dresses too!

    1. I am a sucker for the flowy dresses, though I tried not to pick JUST flowy dress covers.

  4. I do like the cover of Cinder!

  5. Excellent list as well! I haven't read many of these books, but now I want to - that's the power of a good cover!

    1. A good cover can really suck you in, especially if it's something you wouldn't normally pick up.

  6. Nooooo!!!!! So here I was looking at these lovely covers and drooling over the cover to Touched (I mean what's with the capitalized H and is he time travling?) when I saw who wrote it! Crap!!!!! I'm sorry but the other book I read by her was so freaking awful!!! Stupid beautiful covers!

    1. I haven't been very pleased with her other books as well, but this cover is fantastic! Sorry about making you like the cover :)

  7. I also love Everneath's and Cinder's covers. They're so pretty and cool!

    1. That Everneath one is so well done - the colors and the swirling - it makes me happy every time I look at it!

  8. Everneath and Fever are stunning covers! When I got my copy of Fever, I literally sat and stared at it for a good five minutes, haha!

    Thanks for stopping by! :)

    1. I like Fever's cover because it is so quirky and unique! Plenty of things on there to gawk at.

  9. I almost added Masque of the Red Death to my list as well. It's gorgeous! I'm curious about how people make their images line up so nicely as well. Do you use tables?

    1. Essentially what I did was paste the Amazon script from my affiliate page and then I put just a space between the two right next to each other. After that, I have been just centering the two together (so they are in the same "div," if you know the html code a bit), then a break and the next pair the same way. Does that make sense? Maybe I'll have to do a post about it!

    2. Thanks for the tip! I've been wanting to try lining up my Pinterest images like this for when I do those random posts :)

    3. No problem! Hope I made some sense. I think maybe I will do a post about it - maybe during Bloggiesta...

  10. Fun! I think I love Treachery best.


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