Friday, March 30, 2012

Let the Bloggiesta Begin (Maybe?)

Turns out, we're moving this weekend, so Bloggiesta might be a total flop for me this time.  Still, there are a few things I'd like to get done this weekend - here's to hoping I can squeeze in some time this weekend that doesn't involve hauling boxes, cleaning house(s), and putting stuff away.  I could definitely use some chips and salsa in there somewhere to give me energy, anyway.  To sign up or learn more, visit Suey at It's All About Books or Danielle at There's a Book.  Check back on this post to see if I've done anything.  :)  I may even manage to squeeze in a mini-challenge (I've got some things I need help with and I'm betting they will help).

Bloggiesta To-Do:
Update my Title and Author pages
(I'd really like to add internal links at the top so you can skip to a letter and not have to scroll down)
Update goodreads
Update my header (so need something new up there - it's making me bored just looking at it)
Write some posts for rainy days (ok, this is definitely too ambitious for this weekend, but still)
Get a local events page started (!)
Figure out something for the button bar (I seriously need help here - I've got a need for more buttons, but they all just bunch up instead of making a new row!)
Post about formatting photos on the blog (this might actually happen, but it might also be painfully confusing)

And that's about as ridiculously ambitious as possible.  I hope I at least get one or two things done...

What are you working on for Bloggiesta?  Any tips for me on those issues up there?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. I quite like your header! Love that there is a beautiful book in there. I'll be checking back to see if you change it.

    1. Thank you! It may end up being there for a while more :)

  2. Good luck with bloggiesta! I am hoping to participate too because I have been on a break for awhile and I am ready to try and get caught up. It may take a miracle though!

    1. I often think it's going to take a miracle for me to do anything too!

  3. Good luck! I know what you mean, this is the first time since 2009 that I've been able to participate! I cleared my entire calendar for the event :)

  4. Wow! I'm surprised you're even going to try. Way to go! Moving is such a pain and so time consuming. Good luck.

    1. I honestly thought we'd be done before this weekend. Oh well!

  5. Good luck with moving! Your goals are giving me ideas. :) I've nearly given up on posting reviews to goodreads, but maybe (someday) I'll give it a try.

    1. The goodreads will probably have to wait for a while yet for me too :). Hope you got some done, though!

  6. Hope your move goes well & hope you get some of your goals completed. I really like your header. It is one of the things that attracted me to your blog back in January. I need to work on my buttons as well, but I think that will be another day, another bloggiesta maybe!

    1. Ah, thanks, Sara! The header might stay for a long while yet :). I'm already thinking about the next bloggiesta too!

  7. Oh you're moving? I hope you can do everything on your list. I also need to update my goodreads...sigh....should go and do it right now.

    Good luck!

    1. Most definitely I won't, but it is fun to try when i can. Hope you get your goodreads updated!

  8. Use the <p tag for making rows. I did it for my social media buttons and now they are all in cute rows! Have the ending tag where you want the row to end. Good luck with moving!

    1. Ooh, thanks Jessica! I might actually get that to work for me. I'm off to check out your buttons.

  9. I'm sorry to hear about having to move this weekend. I hate moving! It's the worst thing in the world, lol. I hope that it goes smoothly for you and that you're still able to get done some of the things you want. :) Good luck with your move!

    1. Thanks so much, moving really does suck! I did get a little done, but only a little :)

  10. You've gotten one thing done these weekend...hopefully one more... :)

    1. Well, I started to work on two more, but didn't finish. Thanks for stopping by!

  11. Moving + bloggiesta-ing? I'm impressed!

    I think your header's rather unusual, but if it's been there for a while, I totally appreciate your need for a change.

    1. Thanks, Li. The two didn't really mix well, obviously :)

  12. Oh, wow! Moving and Bloggiesta! Whenever I move, my computer is not available, but you probably have a laptop. Something on my to-do list.

    Have fun...and I think this is my first visit here, as I'm not at all bored by your header. I like it.

    But I can relate to the need to change things...I do that a lot.

    My primary work this weekend is over at Curl up and Read.

  13. Lots of people updating goodreads :) Hope you meet your goals

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I guess I'll be updating goodreads sometime later :)

  14. I still can't believe you attempted to do any of Bloggiesta while trying to move! Wow! And you still did quite a bit considering. Fortunately you can go back to the challenges once you're all settled. :o) Good luck with your move!

    1. I know, it was completely insane. I am glad those challenges will still be around, because I really wanted to do some of them. Thanks for being such a great host!


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