Thursday, March 22, 2012

In Preparation for Hunger Games, Get Yourself a Hunger Name

For all of you midnight showing folks (unfortunately, not me), make sure you stop by this fun site - Hunger Names - before you go.  That way you'll have your name and how you were killed (or if you survived) in your own Hunger Games.  Here are a few I picked up:

Your name is Finnick Hodgepodge
Congratulations! You had the honor of being a District 8 tribute in the 2nd Hunger Games!
You were killed by natural causes.

Your name is Westych Rabbledeen
Congratulations! You had the honor of being a District 8 tribute in the 15th Hunger Games!
You were killed by the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.

Your name is Dabble Dondlebree
Congratulations! You had the honor of being a District 12 tribute in the 46th Hunger Games!
You were killed by a thousand paper cuts.

I'm particularly partial to the paper cut death - that sounds about right for a librarian.  Stop by and then come back to let me know your name (and death)! 

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. I clicked off the page without catching my name, but I was killed by holding a knife while sneezing...tee hee.

  2. Pony Cresta

    District 11, 26th Hunger Games. And killed by crippling ennui. :D Somehow I have a hard time imagining experiencing ennui while competing in the Hunger Games...

    1. Pony? Wow. Yeah, I'm not picturing ennui in the arena either. Sounds like a Killer Bunnies card (have you played that game?)

  3. This is fun! Rooba Goldendod, District 3 tribute in the 1st Hunger Games. Killed by running slower than a bear. Sounds about right.

    1. Except the bear would probably be some kind of morphed evil creature with scary eyes :)

  4. Gilliam Hogsbriar, District 3, and I got killed by jumping over a landmine and landing on another one. Pathetic... Off to try again.


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