Friday, January 27, 2012

A Wrinkle in Time 50th Anniversary Blog Tour: Sharing A Wrinkle in Time

One of the best parts of reading is sharing what we read.  We form book clubs and start book blogs and become librarians in order to experience the joy of sharing our favorites.  But what I find even more fun than just blabbing on about a book I loved to a (sometimes) astonished friend/patron/stranger is something a little bit more: putting the right book at the right time into the right hands. 

A Wrinkle in Time, which is celebrating its 50th year of publication with an awesome new edition (see the features below), is such a unique book!  It has a little bit of everything and doesn't quite fit anywhere, rather like the main character Meg feels.  Part fantasy, sci-fi, religious allegory, even dystopian at times, this book has it all.  But what makes it survive the test of time are the relatable characters.  Meg, who doesn't quite fit in, who doesn't do things "right" at school, who doesn't feel comfortable in her own body.  In short, nearly every young girl or boy at some point in their life will feel like Meg. 

So why is this book not universally loved?  There are many people who did not love this book.  Even hated it.  Several of my siblings expressed loathing for this book years after having read it, admitting they remember nothing about it except that hatred.  It is an odd book, quirky, difficult to feel comfortable with.  Universal love is not what makes a book "good" or "classic" or "enjoyable."  That is why connecting just the right kind of reader with just the right kind of book at just the right time is essential. 

When children or young adults or not-so-young-adults feel like Meg, like they don't fit into their own life or their own world.  This book could remind them they have a place, that they fit somewhere in this universe.  That they are not alone.

The right readers for this book (and millions of other books) are out there waiting. It could be someone you know or someone you don't know, aching to find the right book at just the right time.  Put it in their hands.

Check out the other blogs on the 50 years, 50 days, 50 blogs tour

A Wrinkle in Time: 50th Anniversary Commemorative Edition features:
  • Frontispiece photo*†
  • Photo scrapbook with approximately 10 photos*†
  • Manuscript pages*†
  • Letter from 1963 Caldecott winner, Ezra Jack Keats*†
  • New introduction by Katherine Paterson, US National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature†
  • New afterword by Madeleine L’Engle’s granddaughter Charlotte Voiklis including six never-before-seen photos†
  • Murry-O’Keefe family tree with new artwork†
  • Madeleine L’Engle’s Newbery acceptance speech 
* Unique to this edition                † never previously published

And check out the book trailer!

What kind of Wrinkle reader were you?
If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. I read Wrinkle in elementary school and I didn't like it because I felt like I didn't get a lot of the story. I think if I read it again as an adult, I might like it a lot more.

    1. I didn't discover it as a kid, but as an adult and I didn't relate much to it at all. I'd be interested to know if you do like it more now!

  2. I haven't read this one before, but it's waiting patiently on my shelf. You've made me curious enough to move it to my "read soon" pile! :)

  3. I never read these books as a kid, if you can believe it. I finally bought them the other day and one day I'll get to them. Whether people loved these books or hated them they sure have stood the test of time.

    1. They really are able to transcend time. I reread it in audio and was amazed at how it doesn't have really anything to pull you out of the story (old pop culture or weird references). It's definitely a classic!

  4. I just read this for the first time (in preparation for rereading WHEN YOU REACHED ME), and I loved it. I wish I had read it as a kid, because I'm pretty sure that I would have loved it even more.

    1. I wish I'd had it as a kid too, since I think I would have liked it more!


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