Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: More Please


It's time for another Top Ten Tuesday hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  This week, the prompt is what authors you want more from.  Essentially, if it's not asking too much, could you please squeeze out another book for me?

Markus Zusak
Seems like I've been waiting forever for something more.  Mind you, I haven't read all of his books, so I need to get that done, but I think there is (finally) another book coming, Bridge of Clay.  Crossing my fingers!

Jane Austen
Really, I don't think six complete novels are enough from one of my all-time favorites.  I see no problem with a zombie Jane, since she's already got the Bennett sisters reincarnated to combat them. Plus, I need at least one more heroine to love (and hero to drool over).

Elizabeth Gaskell
What, you let a little something like death prevent you from finishing Wives and Daughters? I'd like another great story, if you don't mind (and if it's not too selfish, something BBC could do a fabulous miniseries for, ok?)

Harper Lee
Admittedly, it would probably be difficult to live up to your first (and only) book at this point, but we could sure use another Atticus.

Megan Whalen Turner
So even if we "just" had one not too long ago, with her usual half-decade between each book, I just don't think my patience will last quite long enough.  And is there more for my favorite thief?

J.R.R. Tolkien
True, LOTR will always be your masterpiece, but I think it would be lovely to have another spanking good adventure of epic proportions from you.  Or maybe just the lost stories of Aragorn?

Nancy Farmer
Seems like it's been a while since we've seen something new and specifically, I'd like a House of the Scorpion sequel, if you please.

Margaret Mitchell
This woman left us with the ULTIMATE cliffhanger and no sequel has done it justice. A little post-mortem writing seems in order, I think.

Moira Young
Having been blown away by your first book, I'm ready for more! Could we speed things along a bit?

Shannon Hale
What, having twins is an excuse? And, ok, she has two books coming this year, one this month, but still! I need them NOW!

Who do you need just a little more from?

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  1. I agree about Shannon Hale and Megan Whalen Turner (though aren't you curious as to what *else* she can write?). And your comments about Jane made me laugh.

  2. I'd not try to do this as my list in all sorts of genres would be too long. I like the authors you list.

  3. Yes, please! More stories of Aragorn would be lovely. Maybe his years wandering Middle Earth?

  4. I agree about Harper Lee. Although I must commend her for having the sense to leave good enough alone :-)


  5. Oh dang it I forgot Tolkien, I knew I was forgetting someone.


  6. It would be nice to hear more from those who have left us. It always makes me wonder as I read new releases which author will survive the test of time and become a revered classic. kaye—the road goes ever ever on

  7. Yep, I agree with you on a lot of these too. Especially Margaret Mitchell. That was a HUGE cliffhanger ending!

  8. I picked Margaret Mitchell too, I would love to know what happened to Rhett and Scarlett!

  9. Harper Lee made my list too. I almost put JRR Tolkien but I decided to leave the dead authors off this time around.

  10. Good ones! I totally forgot about Elizabeth Gaskell. Add her to my list!

  11. Melissa, yes I guess I would like to see some new characters from Turner...

    Harvee, believe me, my list could have gone on :)

    Darby, definitely could use some Aragorn love!

    Shannon, I'd be too afraid to do something else if I were in her place.

    Kristina, I know I forgot loads of people, looking at others' lists.

    kaye, that is an interesting thing to think about - I don't think many popular books will, though who really knows?

    Jenny, I know! The evil cliffhanger!

    Anne, me too. I'd like to think they finally got together.

    Jenni, I just couldn't leave the dead in peace, I guess :)

    Suey, there are so many good authors I wish we had more from!


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