Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy Cybils New Year!

Just dropping you a note to let you know the Cybils finalists were announced today! Yeah! What a fabulous bunch of books they are too. I'm judging on the Middle Grade Fantasy/Sci-fi panel again this year and I've read three of the seven finalists, which means I get to discover four more delightful books! Be sure to check out all the finalists in the other categories, since there are loads of great books to be found.
Hope you are all enjoying a great start to 2012!

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. I hope you enjoy them! We had a good time picking them, and I think this is one of the best mg sff lists ever.

  2. How fun to judge! Thanks for posting. I'm off to check out the finalists.

  3. Great picks for the Cybils! Happy new year!

  4. Charlotte, it really is a great list of books!

    Holly, I'm super excited about judging.

    LinWash, thanks and you too!


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