Friday, January 20, 2012

Book Review: The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
Publisher: Doubleday
Publication date: September 2011
Pages: 400
Source: Library
For: Fun

This book is very hard to describe, but at its center lies Le Cirque des RĂªves, the Circus of Dreams, a mystical, unusual, different kind of circus. Battling behind striped curtains and caramel apples are two magicians, Celia and Marco, locked in a battle not of their making. Will this place of dreams be a witness to their destruction or to a much different end to their battle?

Things I Liked:
This book is very, very atmospheric, and I think this is it's greatest strength, why so many people have raved about it.  The way Morgenstern writes, the strange details and the unique elements of the circus come right to life.  It is like living through a vivid and strange dream on page, never knowing exactly what will pop up next.  I really liked some of the characters, notably not Celia or Marco, but Chandresh and Poppet.  It is, to use the overused phrase, evocative.  You actually feel (and smell and taste) like you are at the Night Circus.  A truly interesting and unique book that really pops from the page to life.

Things I Didn't Like:
I was not really impressed with the epic love story.  I felt like there wasn't any development of their relationship.  They have very little page time together and yet they have this unbreakable bond of love.  I just couldn't buy it.  I also really wanted more explanation of the magic, the illusions, and what happened in the end.  It was so vague that I honestly thought I'd skipped a chapter or something.  Definitely worth the read just for the experience, though.  All that raving didn't go awry in this case.

I really don't know of anything similar, maybe Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clark a little

s-factor: !@# 

at least one f-bomb that I can remember

mrg-factor: X 
sensual, but not much action on the page

v-factor: -> 
a few incidents but the details are light

Overall rating: **** 

Can you think of anything like this?  It is very unique, I think.

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  1. I agree with the love story; it didn't quite work for me. It's a great book primarily because it's SO atmospheric. And it made me think of Jonathan Strange as well. Glad you liked it.

    1. I really thought I'd be alone in my opinion of the romance. It would make such a great movie, if done well!

  2. I plan on getting to this one in February when I plan on only reading adult books. I wonder how I'll like it?

    1. I think in some ways you'll enjoy it - it really is an interesting book. Can't wait to hear what you think!

  3. I've been debating about picking this one up immediately (swallowing the hard cover dollars) or waiting a bit. I think I'll wait a bit...

  4. I think for me the reason the love story was epic was because of the surroundings. The whole epic feel of the book carried the love story with it, if that makes sense. Despite the lack of page time, I could just feel this magic and this tension, and I loved it. However, I guess you could argue that the love story isn't really about love in that case, just a matter of being in an amazing place.

    1. I totally agree about the surroundings making the story, even the love story. I just wanted a bit more love story to match the awesome atmosphere.

  5. I loved the love story... I just thought it was so powerful and electric or something, even with the little page time together.

    1. I'm definitely in the minority on it. Despite that, i really enjoyed the book!

  6. Too bad it was so-so for you. I am looking forward to losing myself in this one.

    1. You definitely will lose yourself in it! I really did enjoy it, just didn't think it was as AMAZING as everyone said.

  7. I agree that the love story could have been better developed, although I really liked how all the elements around them reacted to Celia and Marco's passion for each other. I agree also that the reason this book is so popular is because it sucks you into an amazing magical world and just keeps stunning you with all these new, unbelievable delights. That's definitely why I enjoyed it so much.

    1. I loved how the circus reacted to their relationship too - it was a very unique book. Definitely looking forward to more from her.

  8. Hi, cool review! Here's mine if you don't mind:

    Thanks and have a very nice day! :)


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