Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Top Ten Books I Hope Are Under My Tree

I'm participating in another delightful  Top Ten Tuesday hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  This week, as is obvious from the title, is a Top Ten of what I want for Christmas.  Which I didn't think would be all that difficult.  But honestly, I found myself realizing just how many books I already have and how I don't actually need more (right now anyway)!!!  I'm sure if I thought about it some more, I'd come up with other books I'd like, but really I have so many, I am quite happy with what I have!

It's no secret that I really need to read this one. And own it. 

A fantasy that I simply adored. While I'm not enamored of the cover, I think this would make a fine addition to my collection. 

I could really use this to complete my collection of the Queen's Thief series. Really.

One of my favorite retellings of all time. And I still don't have it!

This is one of the most inspirational true stories I've ever read. So, I need to read it again (and again).

Chaos Walking is a crazy good series and I already have the first one. Thus, I need the next two!

A very well-written fairy-tale-ish book that deserves more attention! And a spot on my shelf :)

A fantastic dystopian read (though I'm still not sure of this new cover) that I think may already be under my tree!

I have the first two (signed!) so I think this would nicely round out my collection.

What are you hoping will make it under your tree this year?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Looks like a nice list for Santa to choose from. Merry Christmas kaye—the road goes ever ever on

  2. Thanks for stopping by. These are all books I still need to read. :) Thanks for the reminder, lol. I hope you get them for Christmas!

  3. Delirium almost made it on my list too! Legend also. I need to read them!

  4. Well, you convinced me. I'm going to have to try A Curse Dark as Gold.
    The Beauty of Eclecticism

  5. kaye, let's hope he picks from it!

    Jenni, I know, too many books needing to be read :)

    Suey, hope you get to them soon, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

    JNCL, ooh I hope you like it!

  6. Thanks for stopping by! Lucky you with BOTH Leviathan and Behemoth signed! It's Mr. Westerfeld dreamy-awesome?!? I really need to read The Chaos Walking series, I hear great things about it.

  7. rocky, I do love Mr. Westerfeld - great speaker and writer! Definitely give Chaos Walking a try.

  8. I'm really excited to check some/all of these out! I already bought death cure and goliath for jason's b-day. Haven't read either yet because I was finishing Behemoth. The big kiss at the end was hilarious and caught be completely off guard. I thought it was going to be Barlow and Volgar if anyone. Thanks for the recommends!

  9. Kay, haha! You are in for a treat with those two books :)


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