Thursday, December 1, 2011

Book Review: Clarity by Kim Harrington

Clarity by Kim Harrington
Publisher: Point
Publication date: March 2011

ISBN: 9780545230506
Source: Library


Clarity and her family have always been the freaks in town - a family of psychics or other strange abilities.  Clare's ability lets her see things other people don't, just by touching objects.  But when a murder in town points to her brother as the main suspect, she must use her ability to find out the truth and protect him.  But will she be able to?

Things I Liked:
This was a fun, somewhat unusual paranormal story!  I was rather happy that the main focus of the book was not the romance (though I love a good romance).  Instead, the mystery takes the front seat of the book and that made it more enjoyable to me.  There was less focus on the hot boys and how much she'd like to kiss them (there was some kissing though).  I liked that Clarity and her family were open about their abilities and even made a living off of them.  It was nice not to have the whole secretive paranormal stuff.  All of this is to say that it was unique enough to keep me reading despite the general distaste I have for paranormal lately.  Also, the mystery, while not complex or terribly hard to figure out, was still intriguing.  True mystery fans will probably be bored, but those who like a little bit here and there will enjoy it. 

Things I Didn't Like:
I guess I don't have anything really specific that I didn't like, just that it didn't wow me much.  I think the characters are a bit flat and forgettable, despite some of their quirks.  While I liked Justin for being both vulnerable and sweet, he was a little annoying as well.  The mystery was, as I mentioned, rather simplistic but I was entertained while reading.

Paranormalcy and Supernaturally by Kiersten White
The Mark by Jen Nadol

s-factor: !@

scattered throughout

mrg-factor: X
mentioned but not described

v-factor: ->->
some gruesome things

Overall rating: ***

What do you think of books that you wish you liked more, but just couldn't?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. I believe I have this one on my TBR list. I'll have to double check and make an effort to get to it sooner...even if it is unforgettable.

  2. Knowing our taste alignment, you will love this :)


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