Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Book Review: Carrier of the Mark by Leigh Fallon

Carrier of the Mark by Leigh Fallon
Publisher: HarperTeen
Publication date: October 2011
ISBN: 9780062027870
Source: ARC provided by publisher

When Megan moves to Ireland, all she wants is to fit in for a change. But when the mysterious Adam DeRis catches her eye, she begins to want him too.  But their relationship is going to be anything but normal.  Can their love survive the forces of nature that are trying to separate them?

Things I Liked:
I really liked the Irish setting and the paranormal aspect was unique enough to keep me reading.  I was especially interested in the powers they manifested, though I kept thinking of Captain Planet :)  It was fun to learn about the ancient societies and the complicated history Fallon had imagined around these characters.  I think the mythos and intricacies of the paranormal powers were the most interesting part of the book and made the read enjoyable (and fast). 

Things I Didn't Like:
I have to admit, I was rather disappointed in the plot.  The book felt like every other paranormal romance I've read - especially at the beginning with the aloof guy suddenly interested in the new girl and their insta-love.  While there was some effort made to explain their immediate attraction, I was still disappointed in the explanation.  Megan displayed some good sentiments and didn't act like a moron for much of the book, but her desire to sacrifice all for the love of her life (who she's known for a few months at most) was a little annoying.  I guess I'm becoming too skeptical to enjoy these paranormals much anymore. 

Twilight fans will enjoy it, most likely
Hush, Hush books by Becca Fitzpatrick
Reminded me of Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini

s-factor: !@ 

mostly religious exclamations

mrg-factor: X 
just kissing and some talk

v-factor: -> 
some fighting

Overall rating: ***

What makes a paranormal book stand out to you in the overcrowded market?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Yeah, that's my problem. I was skeptical to begin with, always have been, so the premise catches my eye but then I end up not enjoying them. You'd think I'd learn and quit reading them but I don't. ;)

  2. Jenny, I keep reading them too! Just can't seem to help myself. Did you read/review this one already?


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