Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday: Violent Reactions

I'm excited to be doing another Top Ten Tuesday list hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  This time, it is books that I had a strong reaction to.  It's a mix of adoration, awe, anger, sadness, and so on.  So, here we go!
The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness - this one isn't really a clear emotion, there were so many!  I just know I was on a roller coaster of happy, sad, and other crazy things.  A seriously mixed bag, but one I won't forget soon.

Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson - there are so many books about slavery that could be on this list, but this one stands out as a book that emphasized the stark contrast between what freedom fighters believed and what they practiced.  Powerful stuff.

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins - one of the most exciting, heart-pounding, edge-of-your-seat reads I've ever had the pleasure to devour.

The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffeneger - I finally got this one after all the raving I'd seen, and I LOATHED it.  Guy who takes off because he's "time traveling" and leaves his wife?  So not what I wanted to read about.  Plus, all the sleaze and other content just made me hate every minute.

The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak - a seriously unique way to look at the Holocaust.  It had me crying and laughing and then crying much more.  The beautiful prose and the writing and characters have stayed in my head for a long time.  It will definitely be a reread for many years to come.

Waiting for Normal by Leslie Connor - an unassuming little story, but one that made my heart ache.  The sweet protagonist made me weep for all the children like her dealing with things they shouldn't have to.

Tender Morsels by Margo Lanagan - another book that just got under my skin.  I didn't make it far in the book, so perhaps I'm not entirely the best judge, but I was too uncomfortable and disgusted at the rape and other vile things I discovered in the first few chapters.  

Going Bovine by Libba Bray - I couldn't figure this one out and it frustrated me to the point of putting it down.  Not what I expected and I couldn't believe I wasted as much time on it as I did, which admittedly wasn't much.

The Wednesday Wars by Gary Schmidt - a book that truly has my heart!  Schmidt has such skill with combining humor and sorrow that you won't know you've fallen for Holling Hoodhood until it's too late.  A perfect read for those who need a good laugh.

Persuasion by Jane Austen - my comfort book, one that makes my heart warm every time I read about Anne and Captain Wentworth.  A romance that makes me happy every time I fall into their story. 

What books did you have a violent reaction to?

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  1. I've enjoyed several of the books on your list, The Book Thief was my favorite. kaye—the road goes ever ever on

  2. It's so funny to me that we both love some of these books(The Wednesday Wars, Persuasion, The Book Thief) and then there's the books you hate that I loved. (Going Bovine, The Time Travelers Wife) How does that happen?

  3. kaye, I'm pretty sure the Book Thief makes many people's list!

    Jenny, hmmm that is funny! We must have some overlap in taste, though not much :) (You really loved Going Bovine? I think maybe I just didn't get it...)

  4. Every one of these are great choices, but it WARMS MY HEART to see The Knife of Never Letting Go on your list. I put Monsters of Men on mine, and I've never had an emotional response to a book like I've had to that one before. But it was a response, really, to the entire series. I became SO EMOTIONALLY attached to Todd & Viola, and some of the other characters, and I think I was sobbing as much for the ending of it all as I was for the story.

    Seriously, this makes me almost weepy happy right now. I adore these books so much.

    Excellent, excellent list.

    ~Asheley (Into the Hall of Books)

  5. Asheley, the series really is a ride on the emotional roller coaster - so crazy! It had me in tears much of the time too.


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