Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday: Jaw-Droppers

I've been loving reading other people's Top Ten Tuesdays for a while now, but haven't participated, since I usually do Tween Tuesday.  However, I found myself this week without a book for Tween Tuesday (gasp) and decided to try a Top Ten Tuesday - hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  This week's list is book endings that left me with my mouth hanging open, or as I'm calling them Jaw-Droppers.  In no particular order:

1. The Queen's Thief series, particularly The Queen of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner

2. The Maze Runner and The Scorch Trials by James Dashner

3. Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

4. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling (among other HP books)

5. The Miles Between by Mary Pearson

6. Incarceron by Catherine Fisher

7. The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield

8. Delirium by Lauren Oliver

9. The Hunger Games and Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

10. Uglies by Scott Westerfeld

I noticed a bunch of these are dystopian and series books.  Is that a common trend for you?

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  1. The Thirteenth Tale is on my list too! I'm glad you joined today.

  2. LOVED The Thirteenth Tale but for the life of me I can't remember what the ending was!! I also can't remember how the Uglies ended lol

    I still need to read Harry Potter...because I'm a major failure. lol.

    I've never heard of The Queen's Thief but will be checking that out and Catching Fire was on mine too!

    I totally did notice that I have quite a bit of dystopian on mine as well!

    Glad to have you joining in with us this week!

    Here's my list of endings in books that left me with my mouth wide open!

  3. The Thirteenth Tale was so good I should have added it to my list, too.

  4. Great top ten. Uglies... I love that book! I was only semi shocked at the ending though. I kinda thought with Tally's personality that she would do what she did.

    My Top Ten: http://hopefaithbooks.blogspot.com/2011/10/top-ten-tuesday-top-ten-book-endings.html


  5. I agree with Uglies! I couldn't believe the ending.

    Alison at The Cheap Reader

  6. I only came up with 5 on my list (brain wasn't with it today) but I've been reminded of others, such as Thirteenth Tale, that I should've included!

    My Top Ten Tuesday:

  7. Huge giant HIGH FIVE for Megan Whalen Turner, I'm glad I am not the only one with her on my list.

  8. So glad you joined in finally! :) I agree with your whole list and would have added them if I had more than 10 I could list!

  9. Jenny, I'm happy to join too, because I love these lists!

    Jamie, not read HP? Get on it! :) And I think everyone should read The Queen's Thief series.

    Trish, I know! Such a rockin' ending.

    Brittani, I'm not very good at predicting endings, so of course I didn't see it coming.

    Alison, glad I'm not the only one surprised by that!

    Annie, that's one reason I love these lists - so many books I've forgotten or never heard of!

    April, MWT fans unite!

    Suey, I've always loved reading your top ten lists.

  10. Is that jaw dropping "wow" or "disbelief, how could t'author do that?" or both?

    I loved The Hunger Games but I remember being very disappointed by the ending, mainly because I had thought it was a standalone (duh!) but also becasue it was a bit anticlimactic to the main story. I was kinda bored by Catching Fire (aka Back to the Arena 2)so can't recall the ending (maybe I didn't even get there?) I must admit though, with The Half Blood Prince I did see the ending coming-but it was good! And Ender's Game was "wow" for me.

  11. Andie, I think others have done both, but mine were mostly surprising wows.

    I guess the Hunger Games "ending" was mostly what happened at the end of the games. Good for you in seeing HBP ending coming! I was so blind.

  12. I am excited to read Delirium so I am glad to hear the ending is a jaw dropper!

  13. reviewsbylola, is it ever! Hope you enjoy it.

  14. Melissa, my partner says I am an 'ace' at picking plots, but fortunately I don't have to be 'surprised' to enjoy a book, hence no disappointment over The Half Blood Prince delivering on my suspicions. In fact it's kind of fun to have suspicions, to be going "OMG I wonder if ..." and finding out whether you're right or not. :)

    If terms of the arena climax in THG then I agree, that was powerful stuff. I recall feeling some uncertainty about the "humaninimals" (for want of a better word) but not enough so to feel disappointed in the book.

  15. Andie, yeah I am usually not good at picking up plot points (though I think I'm getting better). I'm usually still interested in books even if I see something coming.

    THG really just caught me because I had no idea where it was going and then in the arena all that crazy stuff happened at the end. Good stuff!


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