Saturday, October 22, 2011

Let the Reading Begin! (Read-a-Thon Updates)

Hello my crazy 24-hour readin' friends!  I am glad to be doing another read-a-thon, even if I should probably be cleaning my house or doing laundry instead.  Meh.

I'm also hosting the Book Puzzle mini-challenge from hour 3 to the end of hour 6, so be sure to check it out!

Here are my status updates and such like, for those who care:

Hour 20 update: And I'm off to bed after this!

Title of book(s) currently reading: Still going at The Fox Inheritance by Mary Pearson with All These Things I've Done by Gabrielle Zevin, handy as well
Number of books completed since I started:  2 (
Can You Survive: Jack London's Call of the Wild adapted by Ryan Jacobson and Wonderstruck by Brian Selznick)
Pages read since last update: 58
Running total of pages read since I started: 954 (+ audio book)
Amount of time spent reading since last update: 1 hr 15 min

Running total of time spent reading since you started: 10 hr 5 min
Mini-challenges completed: 6 (see them here)

And here is my intro mini-challenge answers, though all the other mini-challenges I do will be on a separate mini-challenge post.  This post I will use to update my progress (or sanity as the case may be) - see above. 

Where are you reading from today?
Tis my first 'thon in Arizona - it's certainly warmer, so I'll spend some time outside.

Three random facts about me
1-I can wiggle my little toe separately from the rest of my toes (I knew you'd love that tidbit)
2-Speaking of toes, mine are dextrous enough I can pick items up with them if I'm too lazy to bend down
3-I really like to eat cheese 
(wow, I think that's the most random I've gotten before)

How many books do you have in your TBR pile for the next 24 hours?
Here's the photo pile:

There are 12 there (so ridiculous), though a few are quite short.  Plus I've got Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick on audio and a handful of e-books for devouring if I need some screen time.  I always overdo it.

Do you have any goals for the read-a-thon (i.e. number of books, number of pages, number of hours, or number of comments on blogs)?
Hm...I'm going to say I'd like to finish 5 books.  I guess I better start with the short/fast ones.  (Wonderstruck is totally going to get me a huge # of pages in a very short time - is that cheating?)

If you’re a veteran read-a-thoner, any advice for people doing this for the first time?
Start with a short/fast book so you can finish one and feel like you're doing amazing early on.  And eat lots of yummy snacks.

Any other crazy ambitious read-a-thoners out there? Go forth reading-fiends!

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Just stopped by to visit and shout GO GO GO! I love's one of my favorite states to visit! I'll be reading here from small town Ga today but also spending some time outside!

  2. Wow, dexterous toes! I'm jealous. Mine are really short and stubby. TMI? Anyway, have a great readathon!

  3. LOL, love the toe info. ;) I have absolutely no goals. I don't want to stress myself. Enjoy the warm weather. It's not too bad here but right now, this early in the's freezing!

  4. I have the same toes though I didn't know other people don't. Good luck on your reading goals! I would love to finish 3 or 4 books. Happy reading.

  5. Stopping by to cheer on your reading! Revolution was a fantastic book. Hope your day is going well.

  6. Your TBR pile looks fantastic! Hope you're having fun. Happy reading! :)

  7. Can I just say that your Readathon pile is a thing of beauty?

    Pick another book off your Readathon stack
    It's time to read, get on the attack!
    It's a war of words and rhyme
    Stay awake, you've got the time!

  8. Thanks for all the encouragement (and delightful toe insights)! It was a blast reading with you.

  9. Did you ever get to Revolution? I really enjoyed that book.

  10. Laura, no! It still languishes near the top of the TBR pile... Even though I've heard many good things about it.


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