Monday, September 26, 2011

Name That Book, Episode 18

Name that Book is a biweekly game where you get to guess a book title from the photo clues.

In celebration of the excellent ALA-sponsored Banned Books Week, I thought I'd do a special edition of Name That Book.  Both of the books featured today were banned or challenged, sometime, somewhere.  Leave your guesses in the comments.  Enjoy and celebrate your freedom to read!  

Book 1:

Book 2:

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Ooh, I decrypted both of these! I've never read the first book and I read the second book a long time ago.

  2. slaughterhouse five and.......

  3. Woot! I actually knew these two. I don't feel so dumb now.

  4. Huzzah!!!! I actually knew what both of these were for once!

  5. Good job guys! Either you're getting smarter, or I'm getting dumber :-)


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