Thursday, September 1, 2011

Book Review: Wisdom's Kiss by Catherine Gilbert Murdock

Wisdom's Kiss by Catherine Gilbert Murdock
Publisher: Disney/Hyperion
Publication date: September 2011
ISBN: 9780547566870
Source: e-book provided by NetGalley

Wisdom's Kiss

When Princess Wisdom and her grandmother Benevolence make the trip to Froglock for Wisdom to marry, they little expect the adventures and twists of fate that meet them along the way.  Fortitude is a maid at an inn, longing to find her childhood friend and love of her life, Tips.  Tips, on the other hand, is trying to make his way in the world far from the place he grew up.  Both will play a part in Wisdom's story, though not the part either of them expected.

Things I Liked:
I enjoyed this light-hearted fairy tale. It was a lot of fun to read all the different points of view, each with a different taste and feel to it.  I liked the story and the characters. It had plenty of sly humor and a simple, if not straight-forward plot.  Just a fun, silly fairy tale for a light summer read.

Things I Didn't Like:
Because of the seven or eight different points of view or styles (an encyclopedia, letters, a memoir), it was hard to get a grasp on characters and sometimes even plot.  While it was funny and sweet, it lacked the depth of her the companion book, Princess Ben.  Might make a fun read-aloud though.

Princess Ben by Catherine Gilbert Murdock

Gail Carson Levine

s-factor: none

mrg-factor: none
some kissing

v-factor: none

Overall rating: ***

What's your wish-I-liked-it-more read from this summer?

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