Tuesday, September 13, 2011

BBAW Day 2: Interview

Today I get to interview Vy from Vy's Blog. Here's a little bit about her:
"My name is Vy and I'm a teen blogger. I love reading YA books and getting a chance to share my thoughts."

1. You are a relatively new blogger - what one thing do you like the most about book blogging?  What surprised you the most about becoming a book blogger?
What I like most of all is meeting other bloggers who share the same love for books! Meeting some bloggers in person at some book events are even more fun. I did not realize how much time I'd put into blogging. Book blogging is really fun but I just didn't expect it to be so time consuming.

2. What one book do you find yourself recommending to friends/family/strangers over and over?
I've been recommending Divergent by Veronica Roth the most lately. But the first question I always ask someone is, "Have you read The Hunger Games?". 

3. Share with us the experience(s) with your middle school librarians that started you reading again.
My librarians just make every single book sound like the most exciting thing ever. It was actually during our library orientation and she was telling us about The Hunger Games. After that I had to go get myself a copy and relied off of their recommendations. 

For more from Vy and to see her interview with me, check her out at Vy's Blog or on twitter: @VysBlog

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Nice meeting you Vy! I loved the Hunger Games too, though I haven't got around to reading Mockingjay.

  2. I love these posts but I hate commenting on them...Am I supposed to address you or your interviewee? So confusing. So, Melissa, I like your question about book recommendations; I don't know any book lover that couldn't answer that question. And, Vy, I think it's great that you had such a good experience with your school librarian.

  3. Good interview. I'll have to check out both of your blogs.

    Alison at The Cheap Reader

  4. Maria, thanks for stopping by!

    Jenny, I totally know the feeling. I usually address the blog owner, since I don't think to check the comments of my interviews for comments addressed to me :)

    Alison, thank you!

  5. I ask the Hunger Games question a lot, too! At this point, I'm out of people in my immediate circle of acquaintances to ask...but there are always strangers! How wonderful to have such great librarians.

  6. Vy! Welcome to the blogging world! (I agree with Jenny, commenting on these posts ARE confusing!)

  7. Thanks Melissa for the interview!

  8. Erin, I love recommending books to strangers :)

    Suey, thanks for commenting.

    Vy, it was fun and thank you!

  9. I love that her librarian made reading fun and exciting. That's what they should do.


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