Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Good Times in the Blogging World

Just wanted to mention a few events that are or will be taking place soon!  I have to admit, I love the blogging events that go on - I think they are one of the reasons I keep blogging even when I'm burned out.  Maybe one of these will help you get out of your slump:

First, Book Bloggers Appreciation Week (BBAW) is celebrating its fourth year in September!  Registration is now open and nominations for blogs and books that you love are open as well.  Be sure to visit and nominate your favorites.  I got the chance to help out (a very little) in the organization details this time and I'm so glad we were able to get things worked out so we can celebrate book bloggers again this year.

Second, I'm joining in with The Book Monsters' Review-a-Thon happening next week, August 7-13. I am ridiculously behind on posting reviews (book reviews from March that haven't been posted yet), so this will be a great chance for me to get lots of them up.

Last of all, I just wanted to shout out to those who haven't seen it yet, Presenting Lenore is doing her semi-annual dystopian celebration. Dystopian August is going to be fabulous with reviews and giveaways and previews for upcoming dystopian titles. Those of you who can't get enough of this genre, be sure to check her out. I'll hopefully be posting a few dystopian reviews this month to join in the fun :)

Oh, and just another shout out for my Name That Book giveaway going on right now.  Very few people have entered, so your odds are really good.  You could win your choice of a YA or MG book including Possession by Elana Johnson or Paranormalcy by Kiersten White.  It's open until Sunday, so be sure to enter.

Anything fun you're looking forward to this month in the blogging world? 

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Thanks for joining us in the review-a-thon, both Kate and I have books that need to be reviewed dating back to March as well! I <3 BBAW too, can't wait to see what all is going on this year.

  2. Kristen, thanks for having it - gives me motivation (and I'm so glad I'm not the only one reviewing March reads :)

  3. I'm excited about BBAW as well. I've already submitted my nominations and can't wait to see which books and blogs made the short list!

    I'm also doing the review-a-thon as well. Good luck and I hope you get lots of reviews done!


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