Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Book Review: The Trouble with Half a Moon by Danette Vigilante

The Trouble with Half a Moon by Danette Vigilante
Publisher: Putnam Juvenile
Publication date: January 2011
ISBN: 9780399251597
Source: ARC sent by publicist

The Trouble with Half a Moon 

Dellie's life completely changed when her brother was killed in an accident.  Now her mom is crying all the time and won't let Dellie leave the house.  When they get some new neighbors that seem to bring trouble, Dellie is torn between trying to help Corey, who's mom is in the thick of it, and staying safe as her mom wants her to. 

Things I Liked:
I really loved the cast of characters for this book!  It was filled with a diverse group of people - kids and adults.  And it wasn't the main focus of the story either.  I was drawn into the lives of the people, Dellie and Corey's obviously, and I felt like they were my own friends and neighbors.  It was a heart-breaking story, watching how hard it is for Dellie and her parents to deal with the loss of her brother.  And then to watch Corey's life slowly become worse.  I found myself in tears on multiple occasions.  A sweet and affecting story about dealing with grief and the things we can't prevent.

Things I Didn't Like:
I was actually a little surprised at the quick changes Corey's mom makes near the end.  It seemed rather unrealistic, though the ending kind of made more sense.  It all was a little too neatly resolved.  It was something that drew me out of the story.  But a solid debut and I look forward to more from Vigilante.  

Invisible Lines by Mary Amato

After Tupac and D Foster by Jacqueline Woodson

s-factor: !
a few here and there

mrg-factor: none
v-factor: ->
a little bit of domestic violence

Overall rating: ****

Do you cry easily when reading or not? I think it depends entirely on my current mood :)

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  1. Sounds like you liked this one a lot more than I did. I just couldn't really get into it.

    I don't cry all that often while reading, but I definitely do sometimes. Depends on the book and what kind of mood I'm in when I read it.

  2. I was wondering about this one. The mom changing really fast at the ending worries me but if the rest of the story is good then I could probably overlook it.

  3. Susan, I didn't used to cry often when reading, but I swear as an adult I do it a LOT more :)

    Jenny, it does have a pretty tidy ending, but you might enjoy it up to that :)

  4. This one has been sitting on my TBR pile for months, because I couldn't bring myself to read it.

    Maybe it's not that bad? I'll have to give it a second look.

  5. Melissa, well if all else fails, it's short :)

  6. I've had this one on my stack forever! I should get to it, I really should.

  7. Suey, I know it waited a long time for me too :)


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