Saturday, June 18, 2011

SiS Read-a-thon Day 2

FINAL Update:
Whew!  I made it and I more than exceeded my goal of reading 3 books.  You know, by reading 4.75 or so.  Still, I'm happy with it.  I flew through Cahoots, which is shear silliness and also a graphic novel, so it almost doesn't count.  But, I'm counting it anyway.  I spent about 30 min listening to The Ring of Solomon which is amazing and just as snarky as all the other Bartimeaus books have been.  Then I decided to start on The Extraordinary Secrets of April, May, and June. I only got about 50 pages in, though.  Eh.  So, here are the final stats:

Books Read Since Last Update: 1.25 (Read Cahoots, started The Extraordinary Secrets of April, May, and June)
Pages Read Since Last Update: 128
Time Read Since Last Update: 3 hr 50 min (30 min of audio book)

Total Books Read: 4.75 
Total Pages Read: 1151
Total Time Read: 15 hrs 55 min

What is your favorite book you read during the read-a-thon? 
Toss up between Leaving the Bellweathers and Kat, Incorrigible
Did you participate in any mini-challenges? Which ones? 
Favorite and least favorite book-to-movie adaptations
Book puzzles
Character mash-ups
Book shelf organization

Which mini-challenge was your favorite?

Book puzzles (just like my Name That Book feature)

What has been your favorite thing about the read-a-thon?

I'm going with the reading - I love community reading.

Are you satisfied with how much reading you got done? Did you do more than you expected? Less?

I'm quite satisfied.  I did a little more than expected.

What did you think of the updates? Too close together? Didn't like the time limit?

I thought the updates were fine, since I didn't update every time :)  Time limits were fine.

If you could change one thing about the read-a-thon, what would it be?

I like to know what mini-challenges will happen when and maybe even what books will be given away - it helps me plan when to do an update.

Would you participate in another read-a-thon hosted by Squeaky Books? Why or why not? 

Sure!  I like read-a-thons.

Any last comments on the read-a-thon?

I'm just happy that Enna Isilee decided to host it.  It was fun!

Update #2
I took a few breaks again, so ended up not reading as much, but I have finished up Enclave.  I think I'm going to start on something small again, just to see if I can get another one read before the end of this read-a-thon!

And for the mini-challenge, I'd have to say the funniest thing I've read is Leaving the Bellweathers.  Nothing like a quirky family living in a lighthouse with endangered alligators to make for some good laughs. Though, I also laughed a lot through Kat, Incorrigible.  Good times!

Books Read Since Last Update: finished up Enclave, so about .5
Pages Read Since Last Update: 128

Time Read Since Last Update: 2 hrs 
Total Books Read: 3.5 (Leaving the Bellweathers and The Trouble with Half a Moon and Kat, Incorrigible, and finished up Enclave)
Total Pages Read: 896
Total Time Read: 12 hrs 5 min

Update #1:
It's been a pretty good morning, considering.  I've finished up Kat, Incorrigible, which was simply delightful.  Then, I decided to work on a book I already had in progress, Enclave.  It's definitely exciting enough to keep me reading for a while.  

Oh, and did I mention my brain has not been on since I started the read-a-thon?  Yeah, I've missed putting my linky up THREE times so far.  The best part is, I posted the updates well in advance, I just forgot to link.  I'm pretty awesome.  I guess I'm not in it to win the prizes, that's for sure :)

For the mini-challenge (though, I'm not international, so I can't win) I would probably organize my books the same way I do now: similar authors/titles/subjects and then according to height/weight.  My shelves are cheap and some of them bow in the middle, so I put light paperbacks on those ones and the heavier hardcovers on the stronger shelves.  Yeah, not much real organization, which is pretty funny, considering I'm a librarian.

Books Read Since Last Update: finished up Kat, Incorrigible and worked more on Enclave (already in progress)
Pages Read Since Last Update: 202

Time Read Since Last Update: 2 hr 45 min
Total Books Read: 3 (Leaving the Bellweathers and The Trouble with Half a Moon and Kat, Incorrigible)
Total Pages Read: 768
Total Time Read: 10 hrs 5 min

It's day 2 and I'm finally ready for it! I didn't get much reading at all last evening/night, so I'm hoping to make up for it this morning. I'm excited to finish up Kat, Incorrigible and then move on to something else, though I'm not sure what yet. I think I'll do the mini-challenge this morning too! I need to match up two characters from different books, so I'm thinking...

Blood Red Road (Dustlands)The Hunger Games

Saba from Blood Red Road and Katniss from Hunger Games. These girls are two of a kind. They are survivors, fighters, and fiercely loyal to family. While Katniss fights to the death for her younger sister Prim, Saba goes to whatever lengths necessary to save her brother Lugh. They are both hard as nails, but with weaknesses too, and neither will give up in the harsh worlds they face. I'd like to see them as friends OR as competitors in a fight. Interesting stuff, that.

Here are my (pitiful) stats:

Books Read Since Last Update: still less than 1 (Kat, Incorrigible)
Pages Read Since Last Update: 40

Time Read Since Last Update: 1 hr
Total Books Read: 2.5 (Leaving the Bellweathers and The Trouble with Half a Moon)
Total Pages Read: 566
Total Time Read: 7 hrs 20 min

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. What a great pairing! Two kicka___ girls! Love it! How are you liking Kat, Incorrigible?

  2. Keep up the good work. It sounds like fun. I wanted to join but I have too much going on. If I'm going to commit I'm going to commit! You know? Oh well, maybe next time.

  3. Julie, I LOVED it! So much fun.

    Jenny, well hopefully you'll get to commit fully to one sometime soon! They are loads of fun.

  4. I wish I could have done this. It looked like so much fun!

  5. booksatruestory, there will probably be another read-a-thon somewhere soon - you'll have a chance to participate!


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