Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Book Review: The Dark City by Catherine Fisher AND Giveaway

Posted as part of Tween Tuesday, hosted by GreenBeanTeenQueen.
I know this series is published and publicized as teen, but I think it has great appeal for tweens who love a rich fantasy.  It was remarkably easy to read as well and will definitely have broad appeal in its age ranges - for both teens and tweens.

The Dark City by Catherine Fisher
Publisher: Dial (Penguin)
Publication date: May 2011
ISBN: 9780803736733
Source: ARC provided by publisher

The Dark City #1 (Relic Master)

Summary from the publisher:
"Welcome to Anara, a world mysteriously crumbling to devastation, where nothing is what it seems: Ancient relics emit technologically advanced powers, members of the old Order are hunted by the governing Watch yet revered by the people, and the great energy that connects all seems to also be destroying all. The only hope for the world lies in Galen, a man of the old Order and a Keeper of relics, and his sixteen-year-old apprentice, Raffi. They know of a secret relic with great power that has been hidden for centuries. As they search for it, they will be tested beyond their limits. For there are monsters-some human, some not-that also want the relic's power and will stop at nothing to get it."

Things I Liked:
As you know, I adored Catherine Fisher's other books, Incarceron and Sapphique, so I was super excited to get an ARC of the first in this "new" series.  In some ways, it felt similar to her other books, but in many ways it was different.  It has the same unique and interesting world that has many secrets to be unraveled.  Initially, it seems Anara is just another fantasy world with no relation to us.  As the story unravels, bit by bit, hints are dropped here and there that give us a glimpse of much more.  I love the complete world Fisher has created and the feeling of so much history behind it.  I think that is one mark of really great fantasy, when the world that's created has such depth and history that it almost feels real.  I was definitely sucked into this new story and I can't wait to fit more pieces into the puzzle of this series.

Things I Didn't Like:
While it did have some similarities to Incarceron and Sapphique, it lacked the complexity and depth that series has.  It is more simplistic and definitely doesn't have (at least not in this first book) the same level of writing and the characters are not quite as intriguing.  Still, a fantastic new series for fans of Fisher and good fantasy.

Incarceron and Sapphique by Catherine Fisher

Reminded me of Beyonders by Brandon Mull

s-factor: none
that I recall...

mrg-factor: none

v-factor: ->
a bit, but nothing graphic

Overall rating: ****

I'm super excited that the sequels will be released so closely to one another!  That's definitely an added bonus.  To learn more about the series, visit the Relic Master website.  The release dates for the next three books are:
Book Two: The Lost Heiress, June 14
Book Three: The Hidden Coronet, July 12
Book Four: The Margrave, August 9

For the giveaway, I have two copies of The Dark City, thanks to Penguin and Big Honcho Media, to give away!  Also, I managed to get two ARCs of the book, so I have an additional copy of my own I'm giving away.  So, three copies up for grabs!  To enter, fill out the form below.  (US only, must be 13 or older to enter.)  You have two weeks to enter, until June 14th!

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Thank you for the giveaway! I've been really looking forward to this series. I like how it's being release so close together. I love hearing that there are secrets to be unraveled. That's usually fun :)

  2. Small review, I'm pretty excited about it myself! I hate waiting for sequels :)

  3. I loved Incarceron though I haven't read the sequel. Amazed at how fast the new series will be released. She's one prolific gal!

  4. kathryn, I think the series was previously published in Britain and that's why she can release them that quickly. Not sure I know of an author who writes that much that fast :)


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