Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Armchair Stops Here

Well, another Armchair BEA has come to an end.  It was fantastic, as it was last time.  A huge thank you goes out to all of the organizers of this event!  All that time and effort really made those of us who didn't get to go to BEA feel like we were a part of something just as fun.  Here's what happened this week:

Day 1: Welcome to my blog - intro to me!
Day 2: Enter my giveaway for a signed ARC of Across the Universe by Beth Revis
Day 3: Read my interview with Laura of Tattooed Books
Day 4: My advice on how to win publishers and influence bloggers
Day 5: Blogging about blogging: the blog is not my life 

My favorite part of Armchair BEA was meeting and getting to know other bloggers.  I loved attempting to be a part of the twitter party (even though it was a bit overwhelming at times).  I loved hopping around different blogs to find new book friends and especially all their advice about blogging relationships and blogging tips.

It was awesome to watch Emily's videos of what it's like to be at BEA and to see all those cool photos.  And the giveaways!  I won't lie: those were amazing (though, I've got some serious inability to win, apparently).  So, obviously I'll be participating next year (and probably the next many years, since it will be a LONG time before I get the funds/time to make it to BEA).

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. That was my favorite part, too! It was so awesome to find lots more bloggers to chat with!

    You sure are running an amazing contest. Thanks again. :)

    Jennifer of Little Shelf

  2. "it will be a LONG time before I get the funds/time to make it to BEA"

    You and me both!

  3. I was winning challenged myself, but I had so much fun I hardly care :)
    Going to BEA is def on my to-do list.

  4. Emily's vlogs were so good. It was almost as good as being there. Glad you enjoyed the week!

  5. Jennifer, thanks for stopping by!

    NotNessie, I'm so glad I'm not the only one! :)

    Laura, hope you make it there someday!

    Chris, thank you for all your work on this - it was a blast!

  6. We'll see if I ever get around to getting there. After seeing Pam's comment about how much it costs, $1500!!!! I figure I can save my pennies, but that's a whole lot of pennies!

    That's okay though, because Armchair BEA was a blast! I'm so happy you participated and as you can tell if you go back to the site weren't a total loss!!! Yay! And congrats!

    Also, fabulous posts. I'm still making my way through everything, but I loved all of yours. Thank you so much for being a part of this year...definitely looking forward to next year!

  7. I enjoyed the Armchair too! I still haven't made it through all the posts and the event is over. Not enough hours in the day! Happy reading.

  8. 1st daughter, thank you! I'm totally with you on the price - not sure I'll ever have that much to spare :) Thanks for all your work!

    Beverly, there's no way I'll make it through everyone's posts, but at least I got some :)


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