Monday, May 23, 2011

Armchair BEA: Welcome and Hello!

Hello all and welcome to another year of Armchair BEA.  The prompt from the organizers is to introduce myself.  I'm not great at intros, I'll be honest.  I'm uber shy in real life.  And a little in virtual life.  But here goes:

-A librarian in search of a job: just left my academic library job in Utah to move to Arizona so my hubby could get more schoolin'.  I'd really like to end up working with young people, recommending the books I love most to them.  

-A kid-at-heart: something always draws me to read the MG and YA stuff.  I used to be an adult-classics-only reader, but once I found discovered that younger stuff (again) I haven't been able to feed the addiction enough.  Though I do try once in a while to broaden my horizons and pick me up an adult book.  I'm sure it's good for me.

-A board game player extraordinaire: ok, maybe a slight exaggeration, but I have addictions to playing board games.  My current favorites are Ticket to Ride and Settlers of Catan.  Now I just have to find some local buddies to have game night with.

-A camper/hiker/backpacker: Right about this time of year (and, you know, four months ago) I get a real hankerin' for some camping.  I used to live for our family camp outs, driving two hours and hiking twice as long, to escape from civilization (and trust me, we didn't bring it with us).  I don't get to go for nearly as long or a far as I used to, but that desire to escape hasn't disappeared.  I'm thrilled to have a whole new state to explore the outdoors.

Ok, I think I've bored you enough with all those random details.  I Armchair BEA because my husband's in school and I currently don't have a job and pretty much, the money says no.  But, I'm ok with it for now (though don't ask me after I read all the BEA posts, I'm sure the green-eyed monster will strike).

Welcome to my blog and I hope to meet many new bloggers this week!

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Once the green-eyed monster hits... Yeah, me too! Good luck in finding a job!

  2. I love Ticket to Ride, it's such a fun game! Happy Armchair BEA :)

  3. Hi! So nice to armchair bea with you!

  4. I like YA too. Good luck with your job search!

  5. Hi, Good luck with the job search. Librarians are some of my most favorite people. Have fun this week.

  6. Good luck with finding a library job in AZ! I don't know what city you're in, but ours (Mesa) has been dealing with major budget cuts, which, of course, have affected the libraries. Boo hoo.

  7. one archair bea to another: happy reading. i too love board games. its practically an addiction.

  8. Oh, it would be perfect for you to become an elementary school librarian!

    We love to play Ticket to Ride and Settlers too.. well, usually. Sometimes Settlers makes me crazy and I'd rather read while everyone else plays! :)

  9. Ahhh. We just had our first camping trip of the season last weekend, and it was just what the Dr. ordered. even if it rained pretty much the whole weekend. Got a lot of reading done. I'm not really participating in Armchair BEA, but enjoying reading everyone's posts. Have fun!

  10. Catan! I love Catan. I have been told I will be taught Ticket to Ride...soon.

    Good luck with the job hunting!

  11. Hi Melissa,
    I hope you find a job and some great camping in Arizona. Sedona is on my list of places I really want to visit.

  12. Thanks for stopping by my site. I'll have to check out your board game recommendations!

    Hope that you have a great Armchair BEA.

  13. Try not to let the green-eyed monster get you down! Just remember how tired and sore they are going to be and how expensive it will be for them this week!

    On behalf of the Armchair BEA organizers, we hope you have a blast this week!

  14. Thanks everyone for your encouraging comments! And welcome!

    Susan, yeah we are in Surprise and I'm not having any luck with any public library jobs, so I'm going other routes. Hopefully I'll run into you sometime!

    Suey, I'm the same way with Settlers - I got burned out a while ago and haven't played in a long time :)

  15. I love board games, too - and have a hard time finding anyone to play with. :( Thanks for stopping by Books and Movies to say hi!

  16. I love these introduction posts. I'm finally getting a chance to check them out today! Good luck with the job search!


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