Friday, May 27, 2011

Armchair BEA: Blogging is NOT My Life

Today's Armchair BEA topic is blogging tips and I really only have one or two thoughts on this.  Go to the Armchair BEA site for more extensive advice :)

I "attended" the twitter party last night and boy was it crazy!  One thing I noticed being RTed over and over was something @BookaliciousPam said (and of course I can't find it now).  Essentially, book bloggers sometimes feel like they HAVE to post.  But we don't.  If you don't want to or don't feel like it, don't!!  It's much easier (for me) to say than to follow through.  I hate missing more than a day or two, but sometimes you just gotta take a break.  And honestly, this is the best and only piece of advice I have for finding balance in life and blogging: to remember that blogging really isn't my life.  Even though it feels like it sometimes :)

I would like to talk about what memes and blogging events you think are the best.  The only one I regularly do is Tween Tuesday from GreenBeanTeenQueen and I plan to continue that.  I like having a chance to focus on non-YA books for a change.  Also, I like Retro Friday Reviews from Angieville, though I've been anything but consistent.  I think having events/memes that focus on stuff I don't regularly review or talk about is good for me.  It helps keep the content fresh and interesting.  For the most part, I've kind of done my own events like Listless Monday, I Actually NEED It, Name that Book, Double Features, Cover Sillies, and Libraries Around the World.  

Are there events out there that you think I should totally be participating in?  What are your favorites?

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  1. I am still trying to figure out the events and memes. The only big one I do is In My Mailbox, and that is only biweekly. I would like to add another, but maybe twist it through the other non-book topics I do on the blog? Hm....

    It's been great this week getting to know so many bloggers (although I've been getting your posts since before Armchair BEA). Thank you!

  2. Well, as I'm new to blogging I can't offer any advice, and I haven't participated in too many things either.

  3. I posted about the same thing today, so this sounds a little self-serving, but... great advice! I wish someone had said this to me when I was starting my blog.

  4. I really liked Bloggiesta and 48 hour Reading Challenge. Check out my post today about those two!

  5. This is good stuff. I think bloggers (the ones doing it for fun, that is) sometimes forget that we don't have to post everyday.

  6. i like how you say 'blogging is NOT my life' lol. very true! i participate in Top Ten Tuesday occasionally as well as It's Monday, What are you Reading.

  7. It's always good to be reminded that blogging isn't my life! It's fun but I can tell when I'm doing too much when my son tries to turn off the computer while I'm on it. :)

    I've tried a couple different memes/events but I don't know that any are "must participate in." I do like the blog hop/follow Friday ones occasionally so that I can find other fun blogs.

  8. I have tried out a lot of memes. I try to get to some of them, but don't really have time to post more than once a day and have so many reviews to do that I have been focusing on that instead. I love blogging, but it is time consuming. Armchair BEA was fun - wish I could have gone to New York. Hoping for next year. Happy reading.

  9. *nods head* Blogging really shouldn't take over our lives! We have to remember that we're all doing this for fun. I love Retro Fridays too because that's a meme with substance, you actually have to write a review for it. And I love discovering other people's old favorites. Aside from that, I only do In My Mailbox from time to time and Want Books, my own meme that features books on my wishlist.

  10. *nods head* Blogging really shouldn't take over our lives! We have to remember that we're all doing this for fun. I love Retro Fridays too because that's a meme with substance, you actually have to write a review for it. And I love discovering other people's old favorites. Aside from that, I only do In My Mailbox from time to time and Want Books, my own meme that features books on my wishlist.

  11. The balancing act is definitely an important (but difficult) thing to remember.

    I mostly just participate in In My Mailbox, but I occasionally do other ones. I really enjoy 'Top Ten Tuesday' because the lists are so fun, but it's a lot more work to participate in. I sometimes do one that I named 'Future Reads' which is sort like Waiting on Wednesday, except I feature about 5 books each time and I only post it sporadically.

  12. booksNyarn, I've thought about doing IMM, but I'm not very consistent.

    Jenny, I think you participate in more than I do! Maybe I should just follow your example :)

    NotNessie, I wish someone had said it to me too. Hopefully newbies can get that advice earlier than we did :)

    Fourth, bloggiesta is one of my favorites as well! How could I forget.

    Robyn, I know I sure forget a lot!

    Bailey, I think Top Ten Tuesday sounds like a fun one...I better look into it.

    kathy, I need to have a little reminder like your son! That's awesome.

    Beverly, I've focused a lot on getting my reviews posted too. Sometimes I just need a break from reviews though.

    Chachic, I like memes with substance too! I just need to do them more often :)

    Ashley, sounds like lots of people have their own version of "books they want to read" - how interesting!

  13. I do Marvelous Middle Grade Monday and want to start taking part in Tween Tuesday, too. Another Tuesday meme I'd like to get involved in is Booktalk Tuesday with The Lemme Library. Learning, though, to take it sloooow (ish). Great post and thanks for sharing your memes!

  14. Deb, I'm interested in Booktalk Tuesday, though I haven't ever given a booktalk, so it might not come in handy necessarily. Thanks for the info!


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