Thursday, April 14, 2011

Book Review: Hourglass by Myra McEntire

Hourglass by Myra McEntire
Publisher: Egmont
Publication date: June 2011
ISBN: 9781606841440
Source: ARC provided by publicist


Emerson has definitely had a rough life.  Since her parents died, she's been seeing people that aren't there.  She ends up in a mental institution and she's been heavily medicated.  But now, she's finally returned home to stay with her brother and his wife.  When her brother brings around someone to "help" her, Emerson is understandably skeptical.  But Michael is definitely not like the others.  They have an immediate connection and she feels comfortable with the only guy who doesn't make her feel crazy.  But she will soon be drawn into a world she knows nothing about. 

Things I Liked:
This book had a really intriguing premise.  I loved the idea of time travel that's introduced into the story (hope that isn't really a spoiler - I think it's kind of obvious from the title and jacket summary).  McEntire is able to describe the time travel elements and almost make it just a little believable why and how it happens.  I liked the pseudo-science feel to the explanations.  Those parts that talked about how it worked and the intricacies of going back and forward in time were my favorite.  I love the twisty paths and difficult situations time travel can get people into.  The ending was pretty exciting and surprising as well.  The quirky writing was pretty good most of the time too.  I liked many of her descriptions and synonyms (some of the them were funny and interesting, but some of them were just awkward).  An interesting start to a new series.

Things I Didn't Like:
I have to admit there were parts of it that felt very much the same as every other YA romance I've read recently.  That is what I liked least about the book - the romance.  The connection between Emerson and Michael is electric - literally.  They are in love because they feel an electricity when they touch.  It isn't developed much beyond that.  I think I ended up liking the other love interest more than Michael.  He seemed more interesting to me.  But I really could have done without that element entirely.  

When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead

The Eternal Ones by Kirsten Miller

s-factor: !@
some scattered throughout

mrg-factor: XX
nothing very descriptive

v-factor: ->
some scary and rather horrifying things happen

Overall rating: **** for premise *** for execution

Do you prefer books with a little romance and a lot paranormal (or fantasy or sci-fi) or the other way around?

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  1. Sounds interesting. Thanks for the review.

  2. It's always a toss up. The premise sounds really interesting and I want to read it but then romance rears its annoying head. You're right, it's always the same lately.

  3. Ooh, I didn't know there was time travel! I'm glad you did mention that part. I'm even more excited now., more insta love? I could do without that.

  4. Aimee, thanks!

    Jenny, definitely a toss up. Sometimes I read them anyway and sometimes I just can't handle it at the moment.

    Small, hopefully I didn't ruin that element for you...but yeah, there is some insta love. :)


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