Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Book Review: Bless This Mouse by Lois Lowry

Posted as part of Tween Tuesday, hosted by GreenBeanTeenQueen.
Bless This Mouse by Lois Lowry
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin
Publication date: March 2011
ISBN: 9780547390093
Source: e-copy from NetGalley

Bless This Mouse 

Hildegarde is the Mouse Mistress for her clan of church mice.  She must try to hold everything together through the good times and the bad.  What they fear most, in their church home, is another Great X - a frightening event from their past that wiped out many of the colony.  Between saving them from a Great X and the cats that visit during the feast of St. Francis, Hildegarde's hands are full.  Will she be able to save all her mice despite all the many dangers?

Things I Liked:
This was a sweet and fun quirky story.  I loved the feel of the writing - the voice of Hildegarde making commentary about her colony throughout.  She was a stern and yet understanding Mouse Mistress.  The story is adventurous with action and danger throughout.  The ending is just about as perfect as it could be.  I also really enjoyed the illustrations, even though I was reading the advanced version and they weren't final.  I flipped through a final version and they were even better!   

Things I Didn't Like:
I sure wish this book had been around when I was a kid, cause I would have loved it a lot more then.  It's definitely for a younger crowd, being both short and fairly simple.  Give this to your Charlotte's Web or other classic children's book fans.

Charlotte's Web by E.B. White

Stuart Little by E.B. White

s-factor: none

mrg-factor: none

v-factor: none

Overall rating: ****

What books do you wish were around when you were a kid?

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  1. I really enjoyed this book. I agree it's perfect for the Charlotte's Web crowd. I've ordered it for my school library.

  2. I remember reading Charlotte's Web as a kid and Stuart Little. I haven't heard of this one but I like Lois Lowry.

  3. I loved this book. I reviewed it as an ebook then bought a copy for my school shelves. I couldn't really put my finger on what made it so great for me, until now. Charlotte's Web was one of my favorites, (still is) and I agree that anyone who liked Charlotte's Web will like this book. Great review.

  4. Booklady, I only wish I had a school library that I could order it for :)

    Jenny, it's a new title, so you might not have heard of it yet. I like a lot of Lowry's stuff too, though some of it is a bit odd. This, not so.

    Sandra, I'm still not 100% sure why I loved it so much, but I think it had a bit of a nostalgic feel for me. Definitely wish I'd had this back when I was a kid.


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