Sunday, February 6, 2011

Seattle Public Library

I haven't posted about a library from around the world in forever (probably because I haven't visited any but my local ones in a while).  But, luckily, I got to visit the Seattle Public Library while I was there over Christmas break. 

What a gorgeous and unique building!  I wish I'd had lots more time to walk around their collection, but we had limited change for the parking.  What we did see was absolutely fabulous.

I had a devil of a time getting a shot of the whole building from the outside (it's pretty tightly wedged among much taller buildings).




The entrance area is totally beautiful.  These are some of my favorite photos:

Especially this one.

I didn't take very many photos from inside, though.  I lack the talent to take interesting photos of metal shelves and people enjoying the collections.  And there were LOTS of people enjoying them!  The children's collection really blew me away - it was huge and there were so many interesting displays.  

Here's a view from the top floor:

More of the same:

Indoor shot of lower levels:

Here's hoping I get to visit more libraries soon!  
Do you have a favorite library building (aside from your local ones which provide such fabulous services)?

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  1. Great pictures! It's quite the unique building. I actually really love my local library - it was rebuilt last year and what a transformation it was! Here's a view into the children's section. Lots of clean lines and plenty of light and seating.
    P.S. Just got my ARC of Across the Universe - thanks so much!

  2. Natalie, that is a fantastic children's section! I'm definitely going to highlight my own local libraries now. And you're welcome (sorry it took so long to get there)!


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