Thursday, January 27, 2011

Book Review: Academy 7 by Anne Osterlund

Academy 7 by Anne Osterlund
Publisher: Speak
Publication date: May 2009
ISBN: 9780142414378
Source: Library

Academy 7 

Aerin comes to Academy 7 almost by a lucky chance.  Running from a past she wishes to forget, she throws herself into the rigorous curriculum of this elite school.  Her only competition for the top spot is Dane, a rich and famous boy with a bit too much arrogance.  They strike up a kind of friendship based on hours of time forced to spend together, and begin to learn they both have secrets they're hiding.  But, what they discover is a secret much bigger than just the two of them.

Things I Liked:
I thought this was a fairly interesting book.  I liked the different setting from most YA fantasy romances today.  A little sci-fi thrown in added a bit of novelty to the story.  I also liked the story of their parents and the history they were trying to figure out.  The romance was not one of those love-at-first-sight things, which was also pretty refreshing.  The plot kept things moving, even when I wasn't as interested in the characters. 

Things I Didn't Like:
I was a bit disappointed in some of the sci-fi elements.  I kept wondering about why they had textbooks and not e-books or something.  The details were very vague, so I think it will appeal more to those new to sci-fi than hardcore fans.  It seemed to not have enough information about the world and the characters - I kept waiting for more descriptions or details, but not getting enough.  It makes the story a bit forgettable and the characters a bit flat.  I do remember thinking I was more interested in Dane and Aerin's parents' stories than in the kids.  I wish I'd been able to know more about them.

Maybe Across the Universe by Beth Revis

s-factor: none

mrg-factor: none
just some kissing

v-factor: ->
a few minor incidents, nothing really described

Overall rating: ***

Maybe I read too much, but I've really forgotten most everything about this book.  Please tell me this happens to you guys?

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  1. I remember reading this book last year, I enjoyed the surprising revelations at the end, but it was so short~ I wanted to find out more too. :D

  2. You know, the reason I started my book blog is because I could never remember what a book was about - even the names of characters. Now, I just look it up and I can even remember what I thought of it :)

  3. Anna, and I remember being surprised too, but can't remember much about those revelations :) Maybe she'll do a prequel...

    Corinne, that was one of the reasons I started too, which makes it even more ironic. I usually write down my thoughts fairly soon after I read it, but this review was written back in August.

  4. I've had this one sitting on my shelf for awhile. I just need to get to it. I used to love sci-fi but it's been awhile since I've read it so we'll see how I feel about this one.

  5. Debbie, it's pretty lite on sci-fi, so it would have broader appeal, I think. I'll be interested to read your thoughts when you get to it.


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