Saturday, January 22, 2011

Bloggiesta Day 2

I've brought my list from last post and hopefully I'll be able to cross more items off it today!  I only managed about seven hours yesterday, but hopefully I'll get more in today.  And I'm off:

Write 10 or so reviews
Write the double feature that's been in the works for months
Write a discussion post
Create some Name That Book posts
Create some Listless Monday posts
Create a picture for Listless Monday (see below)
Improve tags
Group tags Check them out on my left sidebar!
Make tags uniform (in progress)
Update goodreads
Update pages
Create pages
Possibly make a button (for my double feature, see below)
And some mini-challenges too!
Completed Beth Fish Reads Labels/Tags mini-challenge
Completed Jenn's Bookshelves Organizing Books mini-challenge
Completed Beth Fish Reads Opinion Post mini-challenge 
Completed SMS Book Reviews Button/Banner mini-challenge (though I really ought to make a new banner and a matching button for the blog)
Time so far: ~17 hours

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Oh nice! I didn't realize you could group labels like that, how cool! :)

  2. Kristen, I just discovered it too! I'm a big fan.

  3. Wow! You are rockin' things! That's incredible! I love the buttons as well, so perfect! I can't believe you've written so much already. Makes me feel like a bit of a slacker, but most of my work has been organizational stuff which is monotonous. Congrats! Keep up the hard work!

  4. The buttons look great! And I love the idea of Listless Monday!

  5. 1st daughter, I haven't done much organization, which I really need to do. Kudos to you for doing it!

    Suey, thanks!

    Debbie, I think the fire's been put out. Haven't done anything today :)

    Booksnyc, they are fun to prepare, though sometimes take a lot of time!

  6. Your banners look great! Thanks for trying my mini-challenge.

    How do you group labels? That must be new in blogger.

  7. Callista, thank you! When you choose the Labels widget, it allows you to select only certain labels. And then you can add more than one Labels widget. I think it's new, but not entirely sure :)


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