Saturday, November 6, 2010

Local or Not

A Bit of Me(Me) is hosted by Danielle of There's a Book.

Today's topic is about Broadway musicals and theater?  I've seen two Broadway shows in my life (and neither time did I pay for them - otherwise, I might not have seen any).  The first was when a friend of mine invited me to see Annie back in 8th grade.  I love the songs and the story of this one, so it was a lot of fun for me. Not that I actually remember much from it, though.  Still, I kept the program somewhere, so I must have enjoyed it.  

The second was Phantom of the Opera, which I saw locally.  My church youth organization somehow managed to take a group of us up to see this when I was in high school.  Mind you, we were located pretty far back and to the side.  But, since I also adore the music to this one, it was a fabulous experience for me.

My husband and I prefer to see local theater, mostly because it's cheap and, well, local.  While some of the shows at our favorite outdoor theater are better than others, it's always a fun experience to go.  Just yesterday, we attempted to buy tickets to a local showing of The Scarlett Pimpernel.  Unfortunately, all of the performances are sold out - weeks in advance.  Needless to say, whatever kind of talent they have, local or not, we like to see it anyway.

What about you?

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  1. When I was creating my post, I totally forgot about the other theater productions I've attended...Shakespearean productions in Ashland, Ore., and the Music Circus in Sacramento, CA, which was great "theater in the round." For that one, I saw The Man of La Mancha."

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  2. Someday I hope to experience a Broadway play and the night life of NYC.

  3. That's sad you didn't end up with tickets to the The Scarlet Pimpernel, because as you know if you've read my post today, it's one of my favorites! (Though I didn't even realize it was playing around here right now!)

    We just saw Peter Pan last night at the jr. high, but it was a completely different version from the one I'm familiar with, so we were kind of disappointed.

  4. Loved Phantom -- have seen it a couple of times -- the first time with my new "boy friend" (who is now my husband)-- that was about 12 years ago. I would recommend Wicked if you get a chance. I could go on, but I know it's expensive, and I just enjoy seeing our high school kids do the older ones. They usually do a great job!

  5. After having seen shows locally as well as in NY I honestly don't think it makes a difference. I think the NY thing is more of a novelty than anything, though it's obviously still a very fun experience.

    When we lived in Virginia one of our favorite things there was the Shakespeare theater just 30 minutes away. It was the only replica of the actual one his plays were put on by originally and the acting was amazing! Plus, season tickets were dirt cheap! Such a great date night!

  6. I definitely prefer to support local theater if I were to go watch it :) I haven't ever been to NYC, and really have no big desire to go. I almost saw a Shakespeare play in London by The Royal Shakespeare Company, but we couldn't get enough tickets for our entire group so I let the diehard fans go :)

  7. Laurel-Rain, I love a good Shakespeare production!

    CMash, I didn't get much night life when I visited NYC, but there was plenty to see and do.

    Suey, I saw that it was one of your faves - I enjoy it, though I've only seen it once. It's playing at HCT, I guess. Too bad about Peter Pan :(

    Annette, I've yet to see Wicked, but everyone I know has raved about it. I'd love to see it somewhere.

    1stdaughter, I admit I love both local and professional. I obviously experience more local :)

    Crystal, that sounds like an experience! How nice of you to let the diehards go, though :)


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