Monday, November 29, 2010

Gratitude Giveaway Winner!

It's time to choose the winner of my Gratitude Giveaway: the signed ARC of Matched by Ally Condie!  It was a great contest and thanks again to all my readers and followers.  Before I mention the winner, I just wanted to (finally) share some of my favorite quotes from this awesome book.  Even if you didn't win, you should definitely still read Matched - it comes out on Tuesday!
The meal seems like a dance; as though this is a ball as well as a banquet.  The waiters slid the plates in front of us with graceful hands; the food, wearing herbs and garnishes, is as dressed up as we are.  We lift the white napkins, the silver forks, the shining crystal goblets as if in time to music. p 10 of ARC
They created commissions to choose the hundred best of everything: Hundred Songs, Hundred Paintings, Hundred Stories, Hundred Poems.  The rest were eliminated.  Gone forever.  For the best, the Society said, and everyone believed because it made sense.  How can we appreciate anything fully when overwhelmed with too much? p 29 of ARC 
Nothing I have written or done has made any difference in this world, and suddenly I know what it means to rage, and to crave. p 96-97 of ARC
I'll tell her and everyone else that I know: they are giving us pieces of a real life instead of the whole thing.  And I'll tell her that I don't want my life to be samples and scraps.  A taste of everything but a meal of nothing. p 249 of ARC
Reading these quotes makes me want to go read it again - there is so much in the book to make you think!  And now we come to the winner:


Congrats! I'll send you an email and I'll be sending the book out later today. And as one last plug for Matched, check out the very awesome website created for the trilogy. I had a lot of fun playing around on it. You can even get matched! 

Thanks again, readers, and Kathy of I Am a Reader, Not A Writer for hosting the event.

If you're sad you didn't win, be sure to check back later today, since I'm hosting a fabulous Scholastic prize giveaway!  

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


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