Thursday, October 28, 2010

Slumping NOT Over

It's official.  I'm in a rut.  I've been trying to plow through lots of books recently, both library and review copies and I'm just plain tired.  I'm feeling sad that I feel like I have to "plow" through books at all.  I need some kind of literary pick-me-up.  Something that reminds me of just how much I love reading.  I'm open to your suggestions, cause I've got nothing.

Not only is it a reading slump, I'm feeling very unmotivated to blog as well.  You may have noticed a proliferation of book reviews and not a lot of anything else.*  That is a symptom of my slumpage.  I've just been taking my huge back log of reviews (from July - yes, I'm almost four months behind on my reviews) and posting them once a day.  It's almost as tiresome for me as it is for you.

What I'm really hoping will pull me out of both slumps is a chance to mingle with some awesome local and one awesome non-local YA authors this Saturday.  My library is having a teen book festival of sorts, and I'm hoping I'll at least get some food for thought if not my excitement for reading back.  I've got an author-love post brewing on my back burner and this event might just move it out of the dark recesses of my mind and into the public view.  

But, until then, I've only got more reviews from way back when (and a few from not-so-way-back-when) to post.  Thanks for sticking with me, everyone!

*I'm even so slumpy right now that I can't even think of a nice picture to include to break up the dull text of this post. 

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  1. Trust me -- I've been there more than once. I think the best thing is not to apologize, not feel guilty and let the slump run it's course. Too me, forced reading only makes it worse. I also tried to pick books that were 300 pages and under, that way I wouldn't feel overwhelmed. I haven't read anything that I've read recently that would be a slump remedy...but if you haven't read Still Alice by Lisa Genova, it's brief and easily read in a couple of days and packs a punch.

    good luck!

  2. You need to put aside everything you think you "should" read and go find some things you just want to read.

    For me revisiting old childhood favorites is always a good bet. I just a new edition of The Little Princess, (still with the Tasha Tudor illustrations which I think are essential) to go along with the new edition of The Wind in the Willows (with the Arthur Rackham illustrations cuz they're the only ones that do the text justice). I have to have some minor surgery soon and I'm planning to use those as my binky whilst recovering.


  3. OH please, please take a break. Refresh and then come back. there's nothing like blogging because you feel you have to. I can't imagine reading because 'you have to'.

    I love this blog. i'm knee deep in the Daughter of the Forest because of your review and i have many others on my list. Loving Juliet Marillier!!! Thanks for the review.

  4. I agree... find something you really want to read and bag all those should reads for awhile. But what that is for you, I have no idea...

    Maybe Saturday WILL help! (We need to figure out our plan for that day!)I can't wait to see what your author love post will be!

    I've been feeling rather blog dumpy too. My problem is, I think my posts are, you know, okay, but then they appear to be really boring the heck out of everyone else!

    Until Saturday.... :)

  5. I just found two new authors to me, Marjane Satrapi's graphic memoir of her life growing up in Iran, and Sue Monk Kidd's Traveling with Pomegranates, audio version.

  6. Gerbera Daisy, thanks for the suggestions - I think I will go for something shorter.

    Caitlin, ooh childhood favorites - that is a great remedy. Good luck with your surgery!

    Des, thank you so much! I definitely think I need a break. SO glad you're enjoying Daughter of the Forest!

    Suey, I know the feeling where I think my posts are good, but no one else seems to (or will comment about it anyway). I'm so looking forward to tomorrow!

    Book Bird Dog, thanks for the suggestions!


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