Thursday, October 7, 2010

Book Review: The Iron Daughter by Julie Kagawa

The Iron Daughter by Julie Kagawa
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Publication date: August 2010
ISBN: 9780373210138

Source: e-book provided through NetGalley

The Iron Daughter (Harlequin Teen)

Meghan must return to the winter court, according to her promise with Ash.  Once there, she is essentially a prisoner and cannot leave to return home or to the summer court.  But, when a powerful talisman is stolen from winter court and summer is immediately blamed, Meghan must find a way to escape and prove that it was not summer but the iron fey that stole it.  A new king of the iron fey has emerged and he is determined that summer and winter will kill each other off and he will rule in their places.  Can she find the stolen scepter before it is too late?

Things I Liked:
I'm still intrigued by the unique twist on faerie stories Kagawa has created.  Introducing iron fey?  Just so awesome.  I love the idea of having an entire kingdom of fey that are counter to the regular fey.  Meghan is an interesting heroine - strong and resilient, but also weak and foolish.  She seems to know what she wants most of the time, but not always.  It was a fun, fast-paced faerie story for those looking for something a little different than the usual fare.  And I would just like to say - I'd pick Puck any day.  I definitely prefer humor to Ash's icy coldness.  Here are some good quotes:

Dark, wild music echoed throughout the chamber, played by a group of humans on a corner stage.  The musicians' eyes were glazed over as they sawed and beat at their instruments, their bodies frighteningly thin.  Their hair hung long and lank, as if they hadn't cut it for years.  Yet, they didn't seem to be distressed or unhappy, playing their instruments with zombielike fervor, seemingly blind to their inhuman audience. p 21 of ARC
No matter how much I wanted a normal life, there would be a part of me that longed for this world, for the magic and wonder of it.  It had seeped into my soul and shown me things I'd never thought existed.  I couldn't be normal and ignorant ever again, knowing what was out there.  Faery was a part of me now. p 125 of ARC
"I would kiss you, cat," Puck said as we crowded through the doorway, "if we weren't in such a hurry.  Also the hairballs could be unpleasant." p 238 of ARC
Things I Didn't Like:
I was not as impressed with the story in this one.  It seemed a bit tenuous that Meghan would be involved in wanting to save Faerie again.  Her reasons didn't strike me as believable.  Also, it just wasn't as interesting. 
I got a bit tired of the extremely in love teenagers, especially when Meghan would talk about how much she loved Ash.  I think I need to read something without romance. :) Still kept me intrigued enough to keep reading though.  I'll be interested to know where she takes the next book, since things didn't seem very clearly explained in this one. 

The Iron King by Julie Kagawa (read it first)

Wicked Lovely books by Melissa Marr

s-factor: !@
some throughout, nothing too strong

mrg-factor: X
mostly kissing and longing to be kissed

v-factor: ->->
there is some fighting and violence

Overall rating: ****

Do you find yourself getting tired of a favorite genre after a while?

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