Saturday, September 4, 2010

Pick A Fella

A Bit of Me(Me) is hosted by Danielle of There's a Book.

In order to balance last week's love of a heroine, this week we are discussing our favorite heroes.  And, I absolutely can't pick just one (again).  So here they are, in no particular order:

North & SouthAnne of Green Gables: The CollectionPride and Prejudice (Restored Edition)Poison Study Magic StudyFire Study (Study, Book 3)

Gilbert Blythe from the Anne of Green Gables series.  I already talked about how much I love Anne, but I have to admit I love him almost as much.  I always wanted Anne to figure out faster that he was the man for her.  He was loyal and sweet and he is an all around nice guy (as opposed to all those bad guys in books today).  I am pretty sure I married a Gilbert. :)

Valek is very different from Gilbert, but there is something about him that thrills me.  I adored how he and Yelena fell in love in Study series by Maria Snyder and then how he always showed up when she needed him the most.  Mind you, he is an assassin, so I'm glad I haven't got one in my life, but I sure love reading about him.

Of course, any discussion of a favorite male book character for me has to include Mr. Darcy.  I absolutely love him, even though for most of the book he tends to act like a jerk.  Why is that?  Anyway, I wouldn't be honest if I didn't say I swooned in those parts of the book (and for Colin Firth in the mini-series) when he declares love to Lizzie.  Eloquent and passionate. 

And another classic favorite is Mr. Thornton from North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell.  Not only is he sooo adorably played in the BBC movie version by Richard Armitage, but in the book, I fell hard for the part where he and Margaret finally get together.  Oh, I simply adore it.  These are the kinds of books that show us what romance really is about.  And it hasn't escaped me that all of my heroes are romantic interests in books.  What can I say, I'm a romantic sucker at heart.

What guy characters do you love?

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  1. haha, you've just picked my top 4 as well I think :) except I'd trade out Mr. Darcy for Captain Wentworth....

  2. Haha, two of them are my favourites as well! Although my current favourite is Mr Knightley from Jane Austen's "Emma" , the movie with Gwyneth Paltrow. Jeremy Northam plays Knightley, and he's awesome. =)

  3. I do love Mr. Darcy. Pride and Prejudice seemed like a Beauty and the Beast sort of story...with a twist. Captain Wentworth was sweet too.

    One of the best heroes that I have ever read is Sir Percy Blakeney of the Scarlet Pimpernel novel. I highly recommend the book.

  4. Oh my, even after all these years, seeing the words "Gilbert Blythe" typed there before my eyes made my heart race a bit. I remember watching the show as a teen and being absolutely totally in love with him. I felt the same as you and really wanted Anne to figure things out sooner, because it was so obvious from the beginning he was the right man. Wow! Thanks, this was a wonderful swoon down memory lane! :o)

  5. Allison, how could I have forgotten Captain Wentworth? Persuasion is actually my favorite of the Jane Austen novels. Silly me!

    BookMaid, I am definitely a fan of the Jeremy Northam Mr. Knightley. I don't know how Jane Austen did it!

    Lauren, I've loved Sir Percy for a long time, though I just recently read the book and loved it too. Thanks for the reminder!

    1stdaughter, yes indeed. I still love to watch that movie once in a while, just as a reminder...

  6. Oh, Valek. Totally Valek. And Gen from the Queen's Thief series. And Spencer from Suite Scarlett. And Mr. Knightly. (I really ought to just write a post on this, shouldn't I?)(And I totally agree about Richard Armitage in North and South. *swoon*)

  7. There is no better man than THE ARMITAGE. I will take him any day.

  8. Melissa, definitely requires your own post - I look forward to seeing all my missed favorites on it. Gen!!

    Amy, seriously, he is delicious. In a non-edible way.

  9. Love Mr. Darcy! I haven't read the Study series yet but from what I saw of Valek in the Glass series I think I'd really like him. I also love Dmitri and Adrian from Vampire Academy.

  10. Oh yes, Mr Thornton is definitely a favourite as well. My favourite heroes (for the moment!) would have to rank:

    1. Mr Knightley (Northam) PS: I'm actually reading "Emma" for the first time, and he fits my imagination so accurately!
    2. Mr Thornton
    3. Edmond Dantes (Caviezel) Count of Monte Cristo
    4. Mr Darcy (McFadyen)

    Would you guys prefer the Matthew McFadyen or the Colin Firth Mr Darcy?

  11. Debbie, trust me and read Poison Study. Your love of Valek will grow :) I have yet to read Vampire Academy, but heard lots about the guys in it!

    BookMaid, I love Edmond from Count (but, not really the movie version, mostly the book). As far as Mr. Darcy, I think I still like Colin Firth better, but Matthew McFadyen was not bad. Especially since he was playing such an iconic character!

  12. I really want to read the book, must get a hold of it.

    Yes, it would be hard for an actor to surpass someone who did as good a job as Colin Firth did the part. =)

  13. I know I'd hate to play a character that someone else had done so well before!


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