Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Little Cybils Cheer

I was so excited when I got the news that I'd get to be doing Cybils judging again!  I'm on the Round II panel for Elementary/MG Sci-fi and Fantasy.  I simply loved reading and talking about these kinds of books last year and I look forward to doing it again with these good people:

Kate Coombs, Book Aunt
Emily Mitchell, emilyreads
Nancy Tsai, Kidsmomo
Tanya Zavestoski Turek, Books 4 Your Kids

So, be sure to get your nominations in starting October 1.  And for more detailed info to get yourself all ready, check out Natasha's post What You Need to Know about the 2010 Cybils Awards.  

What books do you plan to nominate in this category?


  1. Congrats on doing this again. Can't wait to see what you all choose!

  2. Oh, awesome! I'm excited you're doing it again, too. The Cybils are awesome.

  3. Melissa and Angie - thank you so much! I'm super excited.

  4. Yay! Congratulations! I'm so excited for you! It's awesome to see so many of the reviewers I love on the lists of the panels. I can't wait to get going myself, but I have nearly no idea what to expect. It should be great though!

  5. 1stdaughter, you will have so much fun, I'm sure. And I look forward to hearing about your experiences!


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