Saturday, July 3, 2010

Book Blogger Appreciation Week, 2010

This is the third year for Book Blogger Appreciation Week. It's a great way to party with our book blogging community. This year, it is going to be held from September 13-17.  I enjoyed BBAW so much last year, mostly because I was introduced to lots of new book blogs that I came to love! 

This year, everyone can register their blogs in order to vote for winners of an award category and also to nominate themselves in an award category.  I have to admit that I was (and still am) rather reluctant to nominate myself for an award.  But, I'm stepping outside of my comfort zone and doing it anyway.  I'm shooting for
Best Speculative Fiction Book Blog, because I figure I read a lot of fantasy and some of the other subgenres for this niche.  Here are my five posts:

Review: Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn
Review: Daughter of Forest by Juliet Marillier
Review: Alcatraz Versus the Knights of Crystallia by Brandon Sanderson
Essay: Why We Love Fairy Tales Updated: sorry for the bad link!
Recommendation: Listless Monday, Steampunk and Historical Fantasy Edition

Best of luck to all of you who are registering for an award!


  1. Best of luck! I'm rooting for ya!

  2. Yay! I'm so glad you signed up! Good luck!

  3. Thank you, guys! It was harder than I thought to publish it, but your encouragement helps :)

  4. Hi. I've been reading your posts since my blog is in this category too. I like your blog. :) Good luck with BBAW!

    Just FYI - your link to "Why We Love Fairy Tales" is sending me to some blogger edit page. I think the link is messed up somehow.

  5. Janicu, thank you so much - I'm looking forward to seeing everyone in the category! And thanks for the heads up on my link - I've got it fixed now *sheepish look*


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