Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Moot Loot

(hosted by Marg of Adventures of an Intrepid Reader and Claire of The Captive Reader)

I've pretty much decided that the library is banned for me right now.  I'm so far behind in review books and books I own that I've really got to hold off for a while.  Fortunately, I've still got a few books that I want enough that I will check them out anyway! :)  Only two this week, though.

The Postmistress by Sarah Blake
Uglies by Scott Westerfeld (reread for me - checked out the book club set for our August meeting)

I also managed to acquire some delights for review:
The Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare (for Traveling ARC Tours)
Fat Vampire by Adam Rex
The Poison Diaries by Maryrose Wood
Sapphique by Catherine Fisher (won in a contest from Penguin)!

Anything good for you this week?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. I'm pretty much thinking the same thing about the library... and the book store. It's getting just a bit out of control around here!

  2. alison, thank you!

    Claire, I love a good eclectic mix :)

    Suey, isn't it sad when we book-lovers can't go to the library anymore? Ugh. Must read faster or something.

  3. I have to do the same thing with the library. I've been limiting myself to two books and three audio books. Otherwise, I get too overwhelmed. I have dozens of books on my nightstand that need to be read! There's just not enough time.

    I'm looking forward to your reviews, especially of TE POSTMISTRESS.

  4. I've been considering banning myself from the library for a couple of weeks at least just so I can get to some of the books that I already have checked out. But I still end up putting more on hold so my theory is to read faster as well :) Enjoy your loot!

  5. Jessica, glad I'm not the only one!

    samantha, I'm the same way with holds. I've had to put my holds on hold!

  6. Hope you're enjoying the The Postmistress. I'm still waiting for my library's copy to come back and I'd be tempted to buy it except I've "banned" myself from book buying (I borrow so many books from the library that I never seem to get around to reading the ones I buy -- no matter how much I look forward to them).

  7. Lynn, I haven't started yet :) I'm completely with you on the library, which is why I'm on a bit of a ban from it so I can catch up with my owned books.


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