Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Looting a Bit Later

I almost decided to skip library loot again this week, because my loot has been so slim.  But, I decided I just couldn't leave you guys hanging another week :)  
The best part is, they are all reloot - books I had to return unread and check back out again.  Here's hoping I get to them the second time!

Glimpse by Carol Lynch Williams
Academy 7 by Anne Osterlund
Sorcery and Cecelia by Patricia Wrede and Caroline Stevermer

And a few came for review and from contests:
Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick (for review)
Fallout by Ellen Hopkins (for review)
Mistwood bookmark from Emily of Emily's Reading Room

What does your pile look like this week?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Hehe, I have to "reloot" fairly often. A lot of the time I can just renew them online though and I don't have to actually physically return them and re-check them out!

  2. Ooooooh go read Sorcery and Cecilia!!! I need to reread that one... :)

  3. I just saw a review for Glimpse somewhere; I'm intrigued by it. Happy reading!

  4. Mollie, I try to do that as often as possible as well. Sometimes I just can't renew them again though :)

    Britt, I know I've heard such great things about it!

    avisannschild, I'm pretty excited about it as well, since she's a local author for me.

  5. Sorcery and Cecila is such fun! :D

  6. Oh, Sorcery and Cecelia is one of my favorite books! Now I have to go track down my copy and re-read it:)

  7. Eva and Lynn, now I really need to get to this one! I'm starting to be so excited.


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