Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Book Review: Change of Heart by Shari Maurer

Change of Heart by Shari Maurer
Publisher: WestSide Books
Publication date: April 2010
ISBN: 9781934813362
Source: ARC from Traveling ARC Tours

Change of Heart 

Emmi leads what seems like a normal life - playing soccer with her friends, hoping to get a date with the hot guy she likes, and dealing with annoying parents.  But, when the unexpected happens and Emmi learns she has congestive heart failure and needs a heart transplant to survive, things won't ever be normal again.  While experiencing all of the ups and downs of teenage life in addition to the difficulties of being so ill, Emmi learns a lot about herself and those around her.

Things I Liked:
This book really tells it like it is.  I like how Emmi isn't one of those sweet, kind, and loving sick people.  I applaud those who have a positive outlook while facing huge difficulties, but it is also refreshing to see someone who gets grumpy and yells at her family.  I imagine that's a bit like how I'd be if I were constantly ill.  Emmi, therefore, felt very real to me.  Her emotions and reactions to everything that happens to her is just how I remember being as a teen - over the top.  The book also has a lot of sweet moments too.  Times when Emmi appreciates her family and friends more.  I love how she changes in the book.  And I completely believe that a person who goes through what she does would be very different after it all.  Some favorite parts:

It'd be nice to think I was one of those sweet, cheerful sick people you see on TV, but I wasn't.  I was fidgety, cranky, and impatient - and scared, but trying not to think about it.  Denial is a terrific coping mechanism sometimes. p 74
"Because it's your parents' that means its bad?"
"Yeah, it's called adolescent rebellion.  We can't be seen liking what our parents like.  It's not cool." p 216
Things I Didn't Like:
The story unfolded very slowly for me.  Perhaps we were meant to feel some of the tedium and boredom that Emmi felt in waiting, sitting around with nothing to do for so many months.  Sometimes it felt that way while reading.  Overall, a realistic look at a unique situation.


A bit like My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult
Sometimes it felt like A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks (but less cheesy)

s-factor: !@
scattered here and there, nothing too strong

mrg-factor: X
they talk about it, but in very vague terms

v-factor: none

Overall rating: ***

Do you like realistic medical-ish fiction or not?
If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage

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