Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hello, Books!

 (hosted by Marg of Adventures of an Intrepid Reader and Eva of A Striped Armchair)

More looting and pillaging (really, I get a lot of entertainment out of calling it library loot).  It's been a bit crazy this week - books on hold, packages in the mail.  Really, I think I might just be drowning in books.  Which sounds like a good way to go.

The Passage by Justin Cronin
Fever Crumb by Philip Reeve (reloot)
Sorcery and Cecelia by Patricia C. Wrede and Caroline Stevermer
Sovay by Celia Rees
The Kings of Clonmel by John Flanagan
This Book is Not Good For You by Pseudonymous Bosch (reloot)
Academy 7 by Anne Osterlund
Glimpse by Carol Lynch Williams

For review:
Ivy's Ever After by Dawn Lairamore
I So Don't Do Makeup by Barries Summy
Bitter Frost by Kailin Gow (goodreads first read)
Infinite Days by Rebecca Maizel
Don't Know Where, Don't Know When by Annette Laing
Poison: A Novel of the Renaissance by Sarah Poole
Anyone else drowning in books?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. I totally overdid my library checkouts before the 48 hour Book Challenge. I checked out over 30 books, and finally took back the unread ones yesterday. It was hard, but I had to face reality!

  2. Ohhh!! The Passage! There are already over 50 holds on our library copies!

  3. I so glad The Passage has been released and made such a bog impact. Now, it's finally acceptable for mainstream readers to indulge in fantasy. Woo hoo... although some of us having been doing so for most of our lives.

  4. Yeah for the The Passage!

    We got Don't Know Where, Don't Know When today too. I think Toto plans on reading and reviewing, though it may take awhile.

  5. Shelley, that first time returning unread books is the hardest. It's been getting easier for me, but still pretty difficult if I've been waiting on the hold list forever!

    Gerbera Daisy, I was lucky to get on the list so early :)

    Amanda, yeah for fantasy!

    Suey, I may need someone to read some of my review books!

  6. I've heard SO many good things about The Passage but have to admit that its' size intimidates me a bit. I'll be interested on hearing your thoughts on it when you finish.

  7. I'm never NOT drowning in books! lol

    I LOVE Sorcery and Cecilia. I have The Passage, but haven't read it yet. Infinite Days came in the mail yesterday. :)

  8. samantha, I agree with you on size! It is huge.

    Britt, it always feels like it to me too :)


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