Friday, June 11, 2010

Bloggiesta - My Blog Could Use a Face Lift


It's that time again!  Time to do some blog housekeeping.  Check out what Bloggiesta is all about at Maw Books.  Here's my delightfully unrealistic list of stuff I desire to work on:

Update pictures/links
Save a copy of the blog
Add widgets
Organize sidebars
Update blog list
Update archives
Update goodreads
Update challenge posts
Work on tags
Write reviews
Think of post ideas
Think of Listless Monday ideas
Create Listless Monday page
Possibly change header (again :)

It is another dreadfully busy weekend for me, so I'm not going to be spending nearly enough time on this list.  However, I'm shooting for 12 hours (out of 72, I know).  I also hope to cross off at least 5-7 items on the above list.  And maybe one or two mini-challenges.  We'll see.

Update 1:
Well, I've had a good four hours this morning, just updating links and pictures.  There were a lot of images missing!  I think I'll be taking a break to clean and do some other stuff now, but hopefully I'll be back at it soon!

Update 2:
After some dreadfully boring cleaning, I got back to fixing things up!  Note some of the things I've crossed off above, including a page for my Listless Monday themed booklists.  I've spent about 2 hrs and 50 min since the above, so I'm about 6 hrs and 50 min, which is ok for me.  I may have to take another break soon, though.  Lots of things to do.  I've done a few mini-challenges, including:
Update 3:
I've now added about another 2 hours to my total and finished writing the basics of my pending reviews.  Watch for a hopefully interesting double feature review tomorrow!  I'll probably be stopping for the night to finish up some stuff around the house.  Back for more fun tomorrow!
Total time: 8 hrs 50 min

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Good luck with Bloggiesta! I wanted to participate but I"m booked all weekend. Ah well, maybe next time.

  2. 4 hours already? That's great! Keep up the good work.

  3. Looks like you are doing an amazing job. It's crazy how much we can all think of to do blog-wise.

  4. Amanda, I probably shouldn't, but I really want to do a little at least!

    Mystee, thanks and welcome!

    Debbie, thanks for the encouragement.

    Suey, I know. My list could probably keep growing instead of shrinking if I let it.

  5. Sounds like you are making some serious progress! I hope to do some challenges tomorrow! Best of luck!

  6. I backed up my blog last night after seeing it on about 15 other to do lists. I didn't even know you could do that. Weren't the challenges really fun? I learned a lot and plan on going back when I have more time and answering the 69 questions. Good luck this weekend!

  7. You have got almost everything crossed off! Love it! Way to go. Love the changes that you've made around here!

  8. Amused, thank you!

    Bobbie, and yet I still haven't backed mine up. Must. Do. Soon.

    Natasha, thanks - you are a fabulous host!


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