Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Paneling is More Than Just Really Ugly Wall Covering

Second day of Armchair BEA, and apparently I really dropped the ball on this one.  Blogger interviews?  Oops.  Well, I've been enjoying reading all of yours and getting to know new bloggers.  

Instead of interviewing myself (which really sounds horrifying), I'm taking a page out of Marg at Adventures of an Intrepid Reader's book and mentioning some of the panels/events I would love to attend.

BEA Young Adults Editor’s Buzz
Blurb: Insightful and passionate, this intimate editorial exchange will provide you with an editor’s perspective on some of the Fall’s new YA discoveries and potential breakouts.

YA Authors of YA Editor's Buzz

See above - hearing the authors of said buzzing speak.  Excellent!

You're Reading That?

Blurb: How can booksellers and librarians supply the interests of their teenage customers yet stay connected with that crucial 18-35 year old demographic — the ones who still read and buy YA titles in great numbers? The recent success of Little Brown’s Twilight Series highlights the need for industry professionals to be proactive in supplying fresh and fascinating titles for this burgeoning market.

Dystopian Fiction
Hello, Ally Condie - local author with fabulous (well, I haven't read it, but I expect fabulous) new dystopian book coming out?  Why wasn't she on my author list yesterday?

Librarian's 2nd Annual Book Shout and Share!

Blurb: Two days, thousands of books, eight librarians!  Collection development librarians share their top picks (and best buys) direct from the floor of Book Expo America 2010.

And speaking of authors I forgot to put on my list to meet yesterday, why oh why didn't I include Maria Snyder?  I have serious love for her books.  All of them.  Sigh.

Anything you'd like to attend?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. I'm dying to read Ally Condie's new book. And I think the whole universe knows that now.

  2. Oh, I totally spaced Maria Snyder, too! Adding her to the list... I'd probably want to hit anything YA or middle grade, because that's where my interests lie. *sigh* If only.

  3. They all sound great so I think I'll just go with you.

  4. Emily, I think the whole universe wants to read it too :)

    Melissa, I'm with you on the MG/YA stuff.

    Suey, yes, we would go together for sure!

  5. Brooke, I really enjoyed the copyright piece!

  6. I seriously keep coming across more and more books that I have to add to my list! Ally Condie . . . gotta check her out!

  7. Tif, it's almost enough not to read any more blogs - but not quite. :)


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