Saturday, April 10, 2010

Reading, Reading, I Like Reading!

I've finally started the read-a-thon! So much for an early start, eh? Well, sometimes I just can't get myself out of bed that early. But, I'm up and ready to read. Here's the info for my intro:

Where are you reading from today? 

From beautiful, mountainous, spring-time (finally) Utah

3 facts about me:
1 I like to sleep in, apparently
2 Today is my dad's birthday!  Happy B-day, Pop!
3 I'm having imitation lucky charms for breakfast :)

How many books do you have in your TBR pile for the next 24 hours? 
About 10-15 (eek!)

Do you have any goals for the read-a-thon (i.e. number of books, number of pages, number of hours, or number of comments on blogs)?  

You know, I haven't really set any, but I'd like to do at least 12-15 hours and read 3-4 books.  I've got other things I have to do today, so nothing too big!

If you’re a veteran read-a-thoner, Any advice for people doing this for the first time? 

Same advice I've been getting for the past ones I've done - start with something short (not that I'm paying attention to that right now)

To start off, I've got The Timekeeper's Moon and Bel Canto nearby, though I may snag something shorter to start with (according to the advice).

And for that first mini-challenge, hosted by Miss Remmers, I'll tell you that right now, I'm situated in my reclining chair, covered with my favorite blanket, right next to my big living room window (in case my eyes need a break and want to look at something else). I've got breakfast right here - and, of course, my books.

What have you got nearby while you read?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Better late than never! I'm taking a blog break. :D

    Yeah, I didn't start with something short, but it's because I had already started it and had to finish.... need something short next for sure!

  2. lol I like reading, too! Happy reading!

  3. I probably do more actual reading on a regular Saturday than I've been doing today! But I have gotten to visit lots of blogs today and become followers for future reading.

    I just became a follower here. I'm a librarian, too. Check out my blog, if you will.

  4. I hope your reading goes well- The Timekeeper's Moon is a good one!

  5. Way to go. sounds like you have an excellent spot to read.
    Keep on keeping on.
    Circ. Librarian @ Eatonville Fl.


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