Thursday, April 8, 2010

Lists and Piles

I managed to pick up a few more books from the library, despite having put my holds on hold.  Some things you just can't resist!

Bel Canto by Ann Patchett (for new book group)
A Conspiracy of Kings by Megan Whalen Turner (SQUEEEE!)
March by Geraldine Brooks (for the other book group)
Dreamquake by Elizabeth Knox

I won a set of books from Kristi at The Story Siren:
Stupid Cupid by Rhonda Stapleton
What Would Emma Do by Eileen Cook
Perfect You by Elizabeth Scott
Kissed by An Angel by Elizabeth Chandler
Romantic Comedies: Perfect Shot by Debbie Rigaud

And for review:
She's So Dead to Us by Kieran Scott
Nieve by Terry Griggs
Keeper by Kathi Appelt

Also, I signed up for the 24-hour read-a-thon, so I thought I'd show you what's in the (very ambitious) pile:

Fablehaven, Book 5:Keys to the Demon PrisonBel Canto
Magic Under GlassBorn to Fly
The Timekeeper's MoonFinnikin of the Rock

I'm also hoping to read some of the review books I'm so behind on - we'll see!

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Your pile looks good. I haven't read any of the books, but YA is always a good choice for the readathon. Happy reading!

  2. Oooh, I loved Bel Canto. It's an easy read and a hard story, all at the same time.

  3. I love some of these book covers! Magic Under Glass looks spectacular! Can't wait for Saturday, good luck!

  4. Lots of books for you this week! I've been wanting to read March. Here's my loot.

  5. Ooh, I just finished A Conspiracy of Kings -- soo good! (Although I still think The King of Attolia is my favorite.) I heard a rumor that there might even be more in the series at some point -- I hope so!

  6. Vasilly, I'm hoping it will make for some light reading :)

    raych, I'm kind of embarrassed at never having read it before. Sounds fascinating!

    Kate, good luck to you as well!

    Lady Q, being a fan of Little Women, I'm very excited about March.

    Gayle, I don't know if I'll be able to reread the first three again before I read Conspiracy. Honestly, it beckons to me.

  7. I have Bel Canto checked out from the library as well. Hope you enjoy it!!

  8. Glad to see you are joining in the read a thon fun! This my first time and I am pretty excited!

  9. I've owned Bel Canto for a long time and have not read it yet. I'll be interested to know if you like it.

  10. Some things you can't resist, indeed. A great pile of books!

  11. samantha, ooh I'll have to hear your thoughts on that one, too!

    Amused, I'll be sure to check in and see how you are doing tomorrow!

    Linda, I have high hopes.

    Melissa, thanks - I think I'm in love with piles of books :)

  12. Nice selection for the read-a-thon! I am participating for the first time.



  13. Good luck with the Readathon! I'll be looking for an update post from you!


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