Saturday, April 10, 2010

Coming Up For Air

Once again, I'm pausing in the reading for a little breather.

I just finished The Timekeeper's Moon - an excellent sequel to The Farwalker's Quest. I'm hoping for something a little shorter this time, though I'll probably take some doses of Bel Canto and maybe Fablehaven: Keys to the Demon Prison in between.

I've been reading on my balcony, enjoying the beautiful sunshine and warm temperatures.

I particularly love Joy of Joystory's mini-challenge, since it is all about Reading is Fundamental and the importance of reading early in life. I've already posted this favorite photo of my parents reading to my older siblings, but since I love it so much, here it is again.

And I wanted to mention a few words of thanks to my mother who has, both by example and by reading aloud, instilled in me my love for reading.

For as long as I can remember, my mother has been a reader.  I used to love waking up in the mornings and seeing her with several books and something to take notes in.  She wasn't just a reader - she would study books.  Even though she prefers nonfiction and rarely picks up the same things I do, she is also willing to try things I've recommended, most notably The Lord of the Rings.  She enjoyed it, but still prefers to read real stories of real people.  

When my brother and I were younger, she would read nearly every night to us.  Stories that would interest him more often, since he did not love reading as I did even then.  Still, I would listen to her words weaving the stories and bringing them to life.  I never remember her telling us to read more, but her actions always spoke louder than anything she said.

So, thank you, Mom, for starting me out on this book journey. 

Hours read: 6.2
Pages read: 340
Books read: 1

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Good luck with your reading. My mother was a librarian and both my parents are big readers. It's spread down to my son - the biggest topic of any conversation we have begins with the question, "So what're you reading now?"

  2. In a Story Book

    At night when sunshine goes away,
    And it's too dark for me to play,
    I like to come inside, and look
    For new friends in a story book.

  3. wonderful picture and memories and very nice thank you for you mom.

    thanks for sharing and for entering my RIF challenge

    Read with joy


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